Home Latest Diabetes Care Tips: How diabetics should manage low blood sugar episodes

Diabetes Care Tips: How diabetics should manage low blood sugar episodes

Diabetes Care Tips: How diabetics should manage low blood sugar episodes


Once you are able to successfully identify the symptoms of hypoglycemia, in most of the cases you can easily bring it back to normal on your own. The American Diabetes Association recommends the “15-15 Rule” for overcoming an episode of hypoglycemia:

Eat or drink 15 grams of carbs: To raise the blood sugar levels eat 15 grams of fast-acting carbs. These are sugary foods without protein or fat and are immediately converted into sugar in the body. Soft drinks, honey, and sugary candy are a few things you may have.

Check blood sugar levels: 15 minutes after having carbs check your blood sugar level. If it is still under 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L), eat or drink another 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrate and recheck the blood glucose level. Repeat the process till the time blood sugar level reaches above 70 mg/dL.

Have a meal or snack: Once your blood sugar level is back to normal, have a meal or snack to stabilise it and replenish your body’s glycogen stores.


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