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Did Saudi authorities brokers infiltrate Wikipedia? What a report says

Did Saudi authorities brokers infiltrate Wikipedia? What a report says


The Saudi Arabian authorities infiltrated Wikipedia with the goal to manage the content material on the web site, a report stated. Saudi Arabia additionally jailed its two high-ranking officers of Wikipedia Osama Khalid and Ziyad al-Sofiani for “swaying public opinion” and “violating public morals”, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) reported.

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Both had been sentenced to 5 and eight years because the authorities believed that they shared data which was essential about political activists in Saudi Arabia, the report stated. Following their arrest, Saudi Arabia continued to infiltrate Wikipedia by recruiting the group’s highest-ranked directors to function authorities brokers to manage details about the nation, the report claimed.

Earlier, after the investigation, Wikimedia, the guardian firm of Wikipedia, terminated all of its directors in Saudi Arabia.

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“The Saudi government’s infiltration of Wikipedia with government agents acting as independent editors, and imprisonment of non-compliant editors, demonstrates not only its persistent use of spies inside international organizations but the dangers of attempting to produce independent content in the country,” Sarah Leah Whitson, DAWN’s government director stated.

Wikipedia will depend on volunteers who function directors and editors and are referred to as “Wikipedia users,” licensed by Wikimedia. These customers should not staff of Wikimedia and don’t obtain any compensation for his or her work. But the corporate grants them the privilege of being impartial editors who self-regulate and administer content material.

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