Home Health Diet For Happy Mood: 5 Nutritionist-Suggested Foods To Elevate Your Mood

Diet For Happy Mood: 5 Nutritionist-Suggested Foods To Elevate Your Mood

Diet For Happy Mood: 5 Nutritionist-Suggested Foods To Elevate Your Mood


Do you typically end up drowning in a bathtub of ice-cream or chomping a bowlful of chips? It’s your temper fluctuation that needs to be blamed. With rising stress in our on a regular basis life, many people discover our moods oscillating on the ends of the spectrum. That is when emotional consuming takes over the driving force’s seat, controlling the best way we behave. Let’s agree, all of us face this example very often. And, all of us search for straightforward options to maintain ourselves calm and keep glad. While you’ll discover completely different medication in medical shops, specialists recommend it is at all times higher to go all pure. With a wholesome way of life and serotonin-enriched food plan, one can simply uplift temper and overcome the problems of irritation, despair and extra.

What is serotonin?

Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter that’s naturally produced within the mind and different components of the physique. It is also known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter due to its function in regulating temper, feelings, and behaviours similar to sleep, urge for food et al. Abnormal ranges of serotonin have been related to a number of neurological and psychiatric issues, together with despair, anxiousness, and obsessive-compulsive dysfunction.

What causes lack of serotonin?

Genetic elements:

Some people could also be born with genetic variations that have an effect on the manufacturing, launch, or reuptake of serotonin within the mind.

Environmental elements:

Chronic stress, publicity to toxins, and different environmental elements can intrude with the synthesis and launch of serotonin.

Dietary elements:

Serotonin is produced from the amino acid tryptophan, which is present in protein-rich meals. A food plan low in tryptophan may end up in an absence of serotonin.


Some medicines can intrude with the reuptake of serotonin within the mind, resulting in elevated ranges. Certain medical circumstances might also lead to a discount within the manufacturing of serotonin.

Lifestyle elements:

Lack of bodily exercise, poor sleep high quality, and alcohol and drug use can all have an effect on serotonin ranges within the mind.

How to spice up serotonin ranges naturally?

As talked about earlier, with a wholesome way of life and balanced food plan, one can uplift temper and enhance serotonin secretion within the physique. Nutritionist Lovneet Batra additional mentions, “Foods rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps increase serotonin production, can have a positive effect on your mood and overall health.” She additional steered some meals choices which can be serotonin-enriched and show you how to keep glad.

Also Read: 4 Expert-Suggested Foods And Tips To Tackle Mood Swings

5 serotonin-enriched meals you could add to your food plan – knowledgeable suggests:

1. Bananas:

Bananas are enriched with the amino acid – tryptophan. According to Lovneet Batra, “Our body uses tryptophan to produce 5-HTP, the compound that makes serotonin and melatonin, two mood and sleep-regulating neurotransmitters.”


Almonds are a storehouse of assorted important vitamins, together with folate and magnesium. The knowledgeable states that magnesium performs a big function within the improvement of serotonin and is taken into account a serious contributor to the sensation of happiness in your mind. “Almonds are also rich in vitamins B2 and E which help bolster the immune system during times of stress,” she provides.

3.A2 Cow Milk:

Milk incorporates tryptophan that performs an vital function in regulating sleep patterns and temper. It can also be enriched with calcium and vitamin B12, which may additional assist enhance serotonin ranges.


Pineapple incorporates tryptophan to spice up serotonin within the mind. “Additionally, pineapple contains the protein bromelain, which comes with powerful anti-inflammatory properties,” Lovneet Batra additional states.

5.Soy Products (Tofu):

Soy merchandise comprise tryptophan and could be a good supply of protein for vegetarians and vegans.

Include these meals components in your food plan and luxuriate in calmness in your thoughts. But at all times keep in mind, pair these meals with “healthy carbohydrates in order to affect serotonin levels,” Lovneet Batra concludes.

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