Home Latest EA Sports brings new FIFA 21 TITLE UPDATE #1 – TechnoSports

EA Sports brings new FIFA 21 TITLE UPDATE #1 – TechnoSports

EA Sports brings new FIFA 21 TITLE UPDATE #1 – TechnoSports


It’s just been a day since the new FIFA 21 has been launched, EA Sports has already pushed a new update for it both on PC and PlayStation 4. This is not a huge update but about 1GB and is readily downloaded and applied before you start the game.

EA Sports brings new FIFA 21 TITLE UPDATE #1

So the new update aims to fix some online issues:


Addressed the following issue:

  • In some instances, an online match would continue between a player and the CPU AI after the player’s initial opponent left the match.
    • This issue could potentially occur in all types of online matches.
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Title Update #1 is currently available on PC and PlayStation 4.


Do check out:

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