TV and film producer Ekta Kapoor on Saturday announced that she will soon launch a new action thriller franchise on streaming platform ALT Balaji. Without sharing details about the project, Kapoor said she has roped in two newcomers to play the lead roles in the series. The details regarding the cast and crew will be announced soon
“Launching a new action thriller franchise on Alt Balaji. An interesting cast after going through millions of choices. Two very promising youngsters….wait and watch this space !!! #BangBaang hona chahiye!!,” Kapoor wrote on Twitter. ALTBalaji is an Indian subscription based video on demand platform. Launched in 2017, some of the popular shows to stream on the service are “Broken But Beautiful”, “Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain”, “Baarish”, “Bose: Dead/Alive”, “The Test Ca se”, among others.
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