Tera publisher En Masse Entertainment is being closed.
In a post on Facebook, the firm said that it was discontinuing the business, as of yesterday (Monday, August 17th). Its currently-active titles, like Tera or Closers, aren’t closing though, with the company promising more “news in the coming weeks.”
En Masse was founded back in 2008 and was formerly known as Bluehole Interactive. Yep, that’s right, the same Bluehole that created Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds. It became part of new parent company Krafton Game Union in November 2018, joining other studios including PUBG Corp.
“En Masse Entertainment began more than 11 years ago,” the company wrote.
“We started out as a small team, committed to making the highest quality games that we could. Along the way, we built a world-class community, who showed nothing but love for the content and worlds that we created. Because of that support we were able to continue to build games that we are proud of with the best people in the industry.
“Today, it is with a heavy heart that we begin the process of discontinuing the business of En Masse Entertainment. Our focus in the coming weeks and months will be on our team, helping them to find new opportunities, and on our games, to ensure a seamless transition for you.”
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