Akron Art Museum presents Virtual Coffee with the Collection: Documentation and Collage in Artwork: 10-11 a.m. Thursday. Explore the ways photographs and composite imagery are employed in the work of Gilbert and George and Robert Rauschenberg. Discuss how collage can be a tool to explore complicated themes and feels, and then try your hand at collage. Free for Members/$5 nonmembers. Registration link: https://akronartmuseum.org/events/coffee-with-the-collection-documentation-and-collage-in-artwork/.
Summit Metro Parks presents Facebook Live: Pond Dipping: 10 a.m. Thursday. Spend time pond dipping, identifying creatures and talking about why pond dipping is fun and important. Join online: http://www.facebook.com/summitmetroparks.
Canal Fulton Public Library at Home Craft – Hoop Gliders: Thursday. Test your aerodynamic prowess by creating a hoop glider from a grab and go bag. How far can you get it to fly? For grades K-5. Grab and go bags will be available starting at 3 p.m. on the day of the program. Any extra bags will be available on Friday. These programs are while supplies last. For more information, go to http://www.canalfultonlibrary.org.
Cuyahoga Falls Public Library Virtual Intro to Bullet Journaling: 6 p.m. Thursday. Learn the basics of the bullet journal method and learn how to create custom spreads that work for your life. Also learn how to use free MakerSpace tools to optimize and personalize your bullet journal. For more information, go to http://www.cuyahogafallslibrary.org/calendar.
VIRTUAL: An Evening with International Bestselling Author Ruth Ware: 6 p.m. Thursday. The Hudson Library & Historical Society will host a live virtual streaming event with international bestselling author Ruth Ware to discuss her latest book, “One by One.” Copies of Ware’s books will be available for purchase courtesy of the Learned Owl Book Shop. Registration for this program is required and a valid email address is required at time of registration. Participants will receive an email invitation to attend the program a day before the program begins. For more information, please email askus@hudson.lib.oh.us or call 330-653-6658, ext. 1010.
The Funny Stop presents Jeff Shaw: 8 p.m. Thursday, 7:15 and 9:25 p.m. Friday and Saturday at 1757 State Road, Cuyahoga Falls. For more information, go to http://www.funnystop.com/.
Canton Palace Theatre presents Magic in a Box: Virtual Reality: 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday. Take part in this ground-breaking LIVE Show from the comfort of your own home, where world-renowned mentalist (and current contestant on America’s Got Talent), Max Major, will get inside your head through the screen. This is a virtual event, enjoyed in the comfort of your home via a link e-mailed to ticket buyers the day of the performance. $30. For tickets, go to https://cantonpalacetheatre.org.
Valley Art Center: 155 Bell St., Chagrin Falls. “Visionaries” on display from Sept. 11 to Oct. 14. In-person and virtual tours will be available. Small groups of up to 10 persons will be welcome by appointment. For more information, call 440-247-7507 or go to http://www.valleyartcenter.org.
Medina County District Library presents Free to Be Me Virtual Teen Art Exhibit: Sept. 11-30. A virtual art show featuring teen members’ at http://mcdl.info/art.
Bonfoey Gallery: 1710 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. “Cause for Environmental Change” will open on Friday. Schedule an appointment to visit the gallery and view the show. To view available appointment times, visit the event page or visit our website at http://www.bonfoey.com.
8 Point Bistro presents Hubbs Groove Trio: 6 p.m. Friday at 1994 Brittain Road, Akron. For more information, go to https://www.facebook.com/8pointbistro/.
Summit Metro Parks presents Virtual Nature Stories: 7 p.m. Friday. An evening of storytelling and lessons about nature taught by “Mother Nature.” Join online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89123087965.
Cleveland Improv presents Jess Hilarious: 7 and 9:15 p.m. Friday and Saturday at 1148 Main Ave., Cleveland. For more information, go to https://clevelandimprov.com.
The Music Box presents Motown Night with Nitebridge: 8 p.m. Friday at The Music Box Concert Hall, 1148 Main Ave., Cleveland. $10 in advance, $15 day of show. For more information on reopening rules, go to http://www.musicboxcle.com.
Beer, Laundry & Jokes with Adam Minnick: 8:30-10 p.m. Friday at Barmacy Bar & Grill, 804 W. Market St., Akron. With Adam Minnick and Christian Klink, Cole Clayton, along with MC/Host Chris “The Bitter Dude” Ketler. Free. For tickets, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/beer-laundry-jokes-with-adam-minnick-tickets-116691289789.
Akron Zoo Community Appreciation Days: From Sept. 12-25 the Akron Zoo will offer free admission for residents of Boston Heights, Boston Village, Boston Township, Hudson, Macedonia, Munroe Falls, Northfield Center, Northfield Village, Peninsula and Sagamore Hills. During this time residents can reserve up to four free tickets. The Akron Zoo is currently requiring time ticketing due to COVID-19, so Community Day tickets must be reserved online at http://akronzoo.org. Tickets are available to reserve two weeks prior to the start of each community’s visiting dates.
Massillon Museum presents “Eileen Woods: Last Words”: Sept. 12-Oct. 31 in Studio M. MassMu is located at 121 Lincoln Way East in downtown Massillon. A visit is always free. Free parking is available on adjacent streets and in nearby city lots. For more information, call 330-833-4061 or visit http://massillonmuseum.org.
Akron Art Museum presents Virtual Family Day: Book Arts: 11 a.m. Saturday. Try your hand at making simple books and bookmarks inspired by the collection. Make your own sketchbook and fill it with the best of your imagination. Free. Registration link: https://akronartmuseum.org/events/family-day-book-arts/.
Copley UMC Food Trucks: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at 1518 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Copley. JT BBQ, Southern Thang and The Ice Bucket.
Book Signing at Kenmore Komics: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Kenmore Komics, 1020 Kenmore Blvd., Akron. Humor author Don Ake will be signing “Turkey Terror At My Door! – Misadventures & Memoirs of a Middle-Aged Man”.
The Learned Owl Book Shop presents Jenn Harney: 1-3 p.m. Saturday at 204 N. Main St., Hudson. Jenn Harney will sign copies of her new children’s book “Swim Swim Sink.” Only 12 customers will be allowed in the store at a time for health and safety reasons. If the weather permits, the event will be held outside in front of The Learned Owl to allow for more interaction with the author. For more information, call 330-653-2252.
#STREAMINGSATURDAY At Jilly’s presents The HiFis: 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Watch at http://jillysmusicroom.live.
The Music Box presents Apostle Jones: 8 p.m. Saturday at The Music Box Supper Club, 1148 Main Ave., Cleveland. $8 in advance, $12 day of show. For more information on reopening rules, go to http://www.musicboxcle.com.
An Evening of Magic & Comedy with Mark Cook: 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Wilbert’s Food & Music, 812 Huron Road E., Cleveland. Tickets are $10 each and space is limited. For tickets, call 330-975-0072 or go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-of-magic-comedy-with-mark-cook-tickets-116911981885.
The Music Box presents Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Brunch with Long Time Gone: 12:30 p.m. Sunday at The Music Box Supper Club, 1148 Main Ave., Cleveland. $10 in advance, $15 day of show. For more information on reopening rules, go to http://www.musicboxcle.com.
The Learned Owl Book Shop presents William Melver: 2-4 p.m. Sunday at 204 N. Main St., Hudson. William Melver will sign copies of his new autobiography “An American Samurai.” Only 12 customers will be allowed in the store at a time for health and safety reasons. If the weather permits, the event will be held outside in front of The Learned Owl to allow for more interaction with the author. For more information, call 330-653-2252.
Folknet Virtual Concert Series presents Austin Walkin’ Cane: 7 p.m. Sunday at http://www.folknet.org/.
MCDL Virtual Keep on Truckin’: Sept. 14-19. Video tours of favorite vehicles, storytimes and crafts. A Take & Make activity bag will be available at all library locations the entire week. No registration required, go to http://mcdl.info/keepontruckin.
VIRTUAL: Art form, Design and Attitude. The Eclectic Influence of Art and Culture in the 1920’s: 10 a.m. Monday. The Hudson Library & Historical Society presents art historian Felicia Zavarella Stadelman for a new art history series on Revolutionary Art Movements that Shaped our Visual History. Registration for this free program is required. Participants will be emailed an invitation to meet on Zoom a day before the program. For more information, please email askus@hudson.lib.oh.us or call the Reference Desk at 330-653-6658, ext. 1010.
Rodman Public Library presents Virtual Teen Book Club: 4 p.m. Monday. The selected title is “Invictus” by Ryan Graudin. Copies are available at the Main Library or digitally through the Ohio Digital Library (Libby App). The group will use Google Hangout as the meeting site. To sign up, teens need to email rodmaninfo@gmail.com with their name, age and Gmail account.
Online Gaming for Teens: 3-5 p.m. Tuesday. . Rodman Public Library invites teens, ages 12-18, to play Jackbox Games online. All that is needed is a device to connect to the internet. Teens will vote on which games they will play during the program. Registration is required. To register, email the name and age of the teen who wants to participate to rodmaninfo@gmail.com. You will then receive a link to join a Zoom meeting where you will receive instructions on how to play together. For more information, call 330-821-2665 ext. 211.
Authors at MCDL: Virtual Visit with Marie Benedict: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Marie Benedict will discuss her books including “The Other Einstein,” “Carnegie’s Maid,” “The Only Woman in the Room” and “Lady Clementine.” Register at http://mcdl.info/readers. Zoom link will be sent prior to event.
VIRTUAL: An Evening with Maria Hinojosa: 7 p.m. Tuesday. The Hudson Library & Historical Society presents Maria Hinojosa who will discuss her new book, “Once I Was You: A Memoir of Love and Hate in a Torn America.” Copies of the book will be available for purchase courtesy of the Learned Owl Book Shop. Registration is required and a valid email address is required at time of registration. Participants will receive an email invitation to attend the program, hosted on Zoom, a day before the program begins. For more information, email askus@hudson.lib.oh.us or call 330-653-6658, ext. 1010.
Summit Metro Parks presents Facebook Live Tree ID: 11 a.m. Wednesday. Join Naturalist Joe to learn tricks of tree identification. Join online: http://www.facebook.com/summitmetroparks.
Cuyahoga Falls Public Library Animal Crossing for Teens: Island Show and Tell: 4 p.m. Wednesday. Show off your island, come visit Ms. Jen’s island, and exchange Dodo codes and DIYs. Please register with your island name and come prepared to share and explore. Registration and Cuyahoga Falls Library card number required to receive Zoom meeting link that will be emailed the day before the program. For more information, go to http://www.cuyahogafallslibrary.org/calendar.
Book Signing with Bob Ake: 5:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesday at Shale Brewing Company, 7253 Whipple Ave. NW, North Canton. Don Ake signs his third humor book, “Turkey Terror At My Door!”, on the outdoor patio.
Folknet Virtual Concert Series presents Sands and Hearn: 7 p.m. Wednesday at http://www.folknet.org/.
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