Home Entertainment Entertainment round-up: A digital protest for Sushant, and more

Entertainment round-up: A digital protest for Sushant, and more

Entertainment round-up: A digital protest for Sushant, and more


  • In the world of entertainment, news on Wednesday was about late Sushant Singh Rajput’s fans continuing to seek a more detailed investigation into his death, and some more goodness from actor Sonu Sood.

    A digital protest was held for Sushant at 8 pm tonight.

    Meanwhile, US rapper Kanye West claimed he has been trying to divorce wife Kim Kardashian for two years.

    Here are more updates.

  • #1

    A digital protest seeking justice for Sushant

    A digital protest seeking justice for Sushant
  • A digital protest was held at 8 pm tonight for late Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput.

    The protest, announced by lawyer Ishkaran Singh Bhandari, aimed to seek a CBI inquiry into the actor’s untimely demise.

    Earlier, actor Shekhar Suman and Member of Parliament Subramanian Swamy also called for a CBI probe.

    Sushant, aged 34, died by alleged suicide last month.

  • #2

    Sonu to launch app to help migrants find jobs

    Sonu to launch app to help migrants find jobs
  • In his latest endeavor to help migrant workers amid the coronavirus pandemic, actor Sonu Sood (46) is set to launch the Pravasi Rojgar app, a platform that will help them find jobs.

    Job opportunities from over 500 companies working in construction, apparel, healthcare, engineering and other sectors will be available on the app.

    Sonu has previously helped thousands of migrants reach home amid lockdown.

  • #3

    Johnny Depp libel case: Amber Heard denies fabricating injuries

    Johnny Depp libel case: Amber Heard denies fabricating injuries
  • Hollywood actor Amber Heard (34) has denied allegations that she fabricated injuries to prove that her former husband, actor Johnny Depp (57) had been violent toward her during their turbulent marriage. She also refuted having any extramarital relationships, while giving testimony at UK’s High Court.

    Separately, Depp is suing the publisher of The Sun newspaper over a 2018 article that labeled him a “wife-beater.”

  • #4

    Anna Camp reveals her COVID-19 diagnosis

    Anna Camp reveals her COVID-19 diagnosis
  • Actor Anna Camp, known for her roles in HBO drama True Blood and Pitch Perfect series, has opened up about her battle with COVID-19.

    In a social media post, the 37-year-old actor talked about how the symptoms were more intense than that of a flu, and urged everyone to always wear a mask.

    Earlier, celebrities like Tom Hanks and Idris Elba had contracted COVID-19.

  • Instagram Post

    Here is Anna’s post

  • Hi friends… I felt it was my responsibility to share that I ended up getting Covid-19. I have since tested negative, but I was extremely sick for over three weeks and still have lingering symptoms. I was incredibly safe. I wore a mask. I used hand sanitizer. One time, when the world was starting to open up, I decided to forgo wearing my mask in public. One. Time. And I ended up getting it. I believe it may have been because of that one time. People are saying it’s like having the flu, but I’ve had the flu, and this is absolutely not that. The panic of contracting a virus that is basically untreatable and is so new that no one knows the long term irreparable damage it does to your immune system is unbelievably stressful. Completely losing my sense of smell and taste without knowing when or even if they will return is extremely disorienting. I’m only smelling about 30 percent of how I used to now. Other persistent symptoms are (a month later) dizziness, extreme fatigue, impacted sinuses, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and fever. I’m lucky. Because I didn’t die. But people are. Please wear ur mask. It can happen any time. And it can happen to anyone. Even that one time you feel safe. We can all make a difference. Wearing a mask is saving lives. Thank you to everyone who reached out to check on me during this scary time. Please be safe out there. Let’s all do our part and wear a mask. I don’t want any of you to go through what I did. Even though it’s a little thing, it can have a huge impact, and it’s so incredibly easy to do❤️

    A post shared by therealannacamp on

  • More news

    Rajeev Masand questioned by cops; Kanye talks about divorce

    Rajeev Masand questioned by cops; Kanye talks about divorce
  • In another news, journalist and movie critic Rajeev Masand on Tuesday recorded his statement with the Mumbai Police in connection with Sushant’s death case. The 41-year-old was questioned at the Bandra Police station for more than eight hours.

    Meanwhile, rapper Kanye West (43) has claimed that he has been trying to divorce his wife, television star Kim Kardashian West (39) for almost two years.

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