Home Entertainment Entertainment round-up: Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s son is COVID-19 positive, and more

Entertainment round-up: Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s son is COVID-19 positive, and more

Entertainment round-up: Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s son is COVID-19 positive, and more


  • In the world of entertainment, news on Thursday was unwittingly about celebrities’ COVID-19 test results. Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s son tested positive, while megastar Amitabh Bachchan busted a fake news report claiming he “recovered” from the disease.

    Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian West has opened up on Kanye West’s mental health, amid growing concerns.

    Separately, Sushant Singh Rajput-starrer Dil Bechara will release tomorrow.

    Here are more updates.

  • #1

    Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s son tests COVID-19 positive

    Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya's son tests COVID-19 positive
  • Bollywood singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s son Dhruv Bhattacharya (28) has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

    Confirming the news to The Indian Express, Abhijeet revealed that Dhruv has mild cold and cough. He is currently quarantined at home. Fortunately, the 61-year-old singer has tested negative.

    Earlier, Bollywood stars like Amitabh Bachchan, actor Kiran Kumar, singer Kanika Kapoor, and producer Karim Morani contracted COVID-19.

  • #2

    Bachchan slams report claiming he ‘recovered’ from COVID-19

    Bachchan slams report claiming he 'recovered' from COVID-19
  • Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is currently admitted to Mumbai’s Nanavati Hospital after being diagnosed with COVID-19, on Thursday slammed the reports of him testing negative for the disease.

    The 77-year-old actor quoted one such report and wrote, “This news is incorrect, irresponsible, fake and an incorrigible lie!”

    Bachchan’s son Abhishek (44), daughter-in-law Aishwarya (46) and granddaughter Aaradhya (8) have also contracted the disease.

  • Twitter Post

    Here is Big B’s tweet

  • #3

    Johnny Depp libel case: Amber Heard levels fresh allegations

    Johnny Depp libel case: Amber Heard levels fresh allegations
  • In another news, actor Amber Heard (34) alleged in a British court that her former husband, Hollywood star Johnny Depp (57) once threw nearly 30 bottles at her in a drunken assault in Australia in 2015. She also denied severing his finger, claiming it was an accident.

    Meanwhile, Depp is suing publisher of The Sun newspaper over an article that labeled him a “wife-beater.”

  • #4

    ‘Dil Bechara’ out tomorrow: Where, when to watch?

    'Dil Bechara' out tomorrow: Where, when to watch?
  • Perhaps the most awaited event in Indian cinema this year, Dil Bechara, late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s final movie, will be out tomorrow.

    Helmed by Mukesh Chhabra, the movie is based on John Green’s popular romantic novel The Fault in Our Stars. It also features Saif Ali Khan and Jaaved Jaaferi.

    You can watch it for free on Disney+ Hotstar starting 7:30 pm tomorrow.

  • Instagram Post

    ‘This one is for SSR’

  • More news

    Bollywood accused of shady ISI links; Kim’s request to fans

    Bollywood accused of shady ISI links; Kim's request to fans
  • In yet another development, BJP’s National Vice President Baijayant Panda has alleged that Bollywood receives funding from mafia operating in Pakistan, asking movie stars to come clean on the matter.

    Separately, Kim Kardashian West (39) has requested fans and the media to show compassion and empathy toward their family, as her husband and rap star Kanye West (43) continues to struggle with bipolar disorder.

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