Home Entertainment Erie couple to celebrate 70 years of marriage

Erie couple to celebrate 70 years of marriage

Erie couple to celebrate 70 years of marriage


Married almost 70 years, Bob and Millie Laird look back on love and family.

On Sept. 30, 1950, Bob Laird and Millie Hinspeter, of Erie, said their “I do’s” at the altar of St. Paul Evangelical and Reform Church and then had cake and coffee at the church as a reception.

“It was during the (Korean) War, and it was just a small family affair. That’s what people did,” Millie Hinspeter Laird said of the quiet celebration.

This year, due to COVID-19, the 70-year celebration will also be small, but there’s nothing quiet or subdued about this active couple who laughed and shared some memories about courtship, life, love and parenting while seated outside for a recent interview in the gazebo at Regency Suites, 322 Washington Place, where the couple live.

They are both 91 and have a family that includes four children, seven grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, one great-great grandchild and another on the way plus plenty of in-laws, cousins and friends.

“I really love to get together with family, but not this year,” Millie Laird said.

Her husband agreed. “We just want everyone to be safe,” he said.

Safe was not the way they started their marriage. Two weeks after their wedding, Bob Laird, who was in the United States Navy, was called to serve aboard the U.S.S. Macon during the Korean War. At the same time, his wife had been working at the telephone company on West Tenth Street in Erie.

The new wife sent letters to her husband every day. “It was months sometimes before I would hear from him,” she said.

Bob Laird was far from home serving his country when news that he would become a father reached him. Things changed for the expectant mom also, in ways that most women today will cringe to read. “In those days you weren’t allowed to work and show if you were pregnant, and I had to quit,” Millie Laird said of her job.

Their son, James, was born while Bob Laird was overseas, and it was a memorable introduction to his firstborn months later. “The first time I saw him, he started crying,” Bob Laird remembered. His wife laughed and said it was her husband’s mustache that scared the baby, and scared her.

The couple later had a daughter named Brenda who lived only six days. A year later, on the same date that their daughter had died, a second son, Daniel, was born to the Lairds. Three years later, daughter Kathi arrived, followed a few years later by Linda.

After the war, Bob Laird worked a full-time job at Penelec and worked nights painting and wiring houses to support his family while they lived in a home on Glenwood Park Avenue, but Millie Laird didn’t want her husband working that hard.

“I wanted to help out financially, so I took an office job at J.C. Penney,” she said. At that time, the department store was located in the former Erie Central Mall at West 18th and Peach streets. The store later moved to the Millcreek Mall, and the mother of four’s bookkeeping job moved also, but the mall’s late evening and Sunday hours made it difficult on her family.

She left J.C. Penney and worked at Erie Insurance for 21 years. The couple had moved to West 44th Street, and after they both retired, they also purchased a home in Bonita Springs, Florida, and spent 21 years as snow birds. They also took plenty of cruises in the Caribbean and returned home to Erie every spring.

Dating in Erie

The couple reminisced on how different things were while they were dating long before cellphones, text messages and a car in every driveway.

They met in high school when Millie was in the color guard at Strong Vincent High School and Bob was a student at Academy High School. Friends introduced them and they attended basketball games and movies with groups of friends, and then spent their first real date at a church ice cream social. Spending time together wasn’t always easy because Bob Laird had several jobs throughout his high school years and worked a lot of evenings.

His family had lived in Union City until his dad died in 1942. They subsequently moved to Erie to be close to extended family members. His family home was on French Street while the Hinspeter family lived on West Third and Walnut streets, so buses and walking were the only transportation. “The last buses were at 11 p.m., so you had to watch your time,” Millie Laird said.

When asked about special memories, the couple didn’t name any specific events. They enjoyed dances, country music, big-band music and a lot of movies. “Gone With the Wind” is still a favorite.

After they married and had a family, they agreed big family gatherings always were and always will be among their best memories. “We loved having Christmas and a lot of family picnics at the house. Now, they’re doing that for us,” Millie Laird said of the extended family.

“They all married wonderful spouses, and they all fit right in,” Bob Laird said.

Megan Hoffman, the only female grandchild, said her grandparents were an inspiration to the entire family. “The strong roots of our family tree that they planted so many years ago cemented a family love that stood the test of time. It blossomed through seven decades into a family love story that is truly one for the ages,” she said.

“All they have endured over the years and have personally experienced strengthened their love and relationship with each other. They have grown together, made memories together, celebrated everything together: big accomplishments and small tender moments. The two of them have paved the way for our family members to each write their own love stories to carry on their legacy. Their example of love is such an inspiration to all of us,” Hoffman said. She is engaged to marry Matt Kleck, of Erie, in 2021.

The senior Lairds shared that along the way, they enjoyed plenty of family time, scouting, camping, sports and family vacations. They were active in membership and leadership in numerous local clubs and volunteered for a variety of causes. Of special note, Millie Laird swam in a group at Villa Maria College for 50 years.

Advice on how to sustain a long marriage

Advice the Lairds shared was simple and from the heart.

“Life is short. You’ve got to love your spouse from the bottom of your heart and you can’t just like some things about them. You have to love them,” Bob Laird said.

His wife agreed. Looking back, Millie Laird noted that many things go wrong. “And you get mad at each other. No one is perfect. But time goes so fast. Enjoy every minute and don’t be afraid to say you’re sorry. Don’t dwell on the little things. And don’t go to bed mad,” she said.

Clasping hands and sharing stories of upcoming weddings, babies and other family events − even first haircuts for youngsters– the Lairds are grateful for every day.

“We never dreamed we would live this long. We’ve both had health problems,” Millie Laird said.

The couple’s longevity and their ability to adapt to any situation, something they have been doing from their wedding day, is inspiring for everyone.

Contact Pam Parker at pparker@timesnews.com. Follow her on Twitter @HerTimesErie.


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