Home Latest Ethiopia to research report of killings of its nationals on the Saudi-Yemen border

Ethiopia to research report of killings of its nationals on the Saudi-Yemen border

Ethiopia to research report of killings of its nationals on the Saudi-Yemen border


This is a locator map for Yemen with its capital, Sanaa.


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This is a locator map for Yemen with its capital, Sanaa.


NAIROBI, Kenya — The Ethiopian authorities mentioned Tuesday it is going to examine a report by a human rights group of killings of a whole bunch its nationals on the Yemen-Saudi border.

Ethiopia’s Foreign Ministry mentioned the investigation can be carried out “in tandem with the Saudi authorities.”

The New York-based group Human Rights Watch launched a report on Monday citing eyewitness accounts of assaults by border guards in Saudi Arabia utilizing machine weapons and mortars on unarmed Ethiopians making an attempt to cross into the dominion from Yemen.

The ministry known as for restraint and suggested in opposition to making “unnecessary speculation until an investigation is completed,” saying the 2 nations “enjoy excellent longstanding relations.”

A Saudi authorities official, talking on situation of anonymity as a result of he was not approved to talk publicly, known as the Human Rights Watch report “unfounded and not based on reliable sources,” however didn’t provide proof to help the assertion.

The United Nations has already questioned Saudi Arabia about its troops opening hearth on migrants in an escalating sample of assaults alongside its southern border with war-torn Yemen.

About 750,000 Ethiopians stay in Saudi Arabia, with as many as 450,000 possible having entered with out authorization, in line with 2022 statistics from the International Organization for Migration. A two-year civil struggle in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray area displaced tens of hundreds of individuals.

Saudi Arabia, battling youth unemployment, has been sending hundreds again to Ethiopia in live performance with the Ethiopian authorities.

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