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Exploring 5 weirdest 9/11 conspiracy theories

Exploring 5 weirdest 9/11 conspiracy theories


Since the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11, a tidal wave of conspiracy theories has emerged over the previous 20 years.

(FILES) (FILES) In this file picture smoke billows from the dual towers of the World Trade Center in decrease Manhattan, New York on September 11, 2001. A proposal to permit alleged perpetrators of the 9/11 assaults to plead responsible and keep away from the dying penalty poses a strong dilemma for victims’ households, a few of whom nonetheless wish to search the last word retribution after 20 years of authorized limbo. The proposal detailed by prosecutors in a letter this month may supply households of the almost 3,000 victims the very best path to a decision of a case slowed down in pre-trial maneuverings within the Guantanamo army commissions for years — and for ever and ever. (Photo by STAN HONDA / AFP)(AFP)

These iconic constructions, the North and South Towers, had been constructed within the Sixties with revolutionary metal and concrete designs that influenced many skyscrapers constructed afterward.

Official investigations into the tragic occasions had been carried out by the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

FEMA’s report got here out in 2002, adopted by NIST’s complete three-year investigation, funded by the US authorities and printed in 2005.

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Some conspiracy theorists raised issues about NIST’s funding, suspecting authorities involvement within the towers’ collapse or foreknowledge of the assaults.

Despite criticism of those stories and their imperfect features, the extensively accepted clarification for the towers’ collapse factors to the extraordinary fires that raged inside the buildings after the aircraft influence, moderately than direct influence or explosives.

Here are 5 of the weirdest 9/11 conspiracy theories which have been proliferated over the years-

  1. Holographic Planes: This witty concept claims that the planes that hit the World Trade Center weren’t actual, as an alternative holographic projections created by superior expertise. The concept ignores the numerous eyewitnesses who noticed and heard the planes, in addition to the bodily proof of aircraft particles and DNA from the victims. But it appears the maestro behind the idea is possibly ‘Mysterio’ the arch nemesis of Spider-Man.
  2. Thermite Paint: This concept suggests {that a} particular kind of thermite, a substance that may burn via steel, was painted on the metal beams of the World Trade Center towers to weaken them and trigger them to break down. The concept has no scientific foundation, as thermite wouldn’t have the ability to ignite or maintain a response below the situations of the towers.
  3. Missile on the Pentagon: This weird concept alleges that the Pentagon was not struck by American Airlines Flight 77, however by a missile fired by the U.S. authorities or one other entity. The concept is contradicted by the radar information, flight information recorder, safety digital camera footage, eyewitness accounts, and bodily proof of aircraft components and our bodies on the Pentagon.
  4. No Plane on the Pentagon: This concept goes even additional by denying that any aircraft was concerned within the Pentagon assault. It claims that the federal government staged the entire occasion utilizing explosives, faux witnesses, and media manipulation. The concept is definitely refuted by the identical proof that disproves the missile concept.
  5. Stand-Down Order: This concept might be probably the most plausible one on the listing. It factors a finger in the direction of the U.S. authorities for intentionally permitting the assaults to occur by issuing a “stand-down order” to stop the army from intercepting or taking pictures down the hijacked planes. The concept relies on a misunderstanding of the army protocols and procedures on the time, in addition to a disregard for the chaos and confusion that occurred throughout the assaults.

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