Home Latest Explosives? Mysterious objects noticed in Russia-occupied Ukraine nuclear plant

Explosives? Mysterious objects noticed in Russia-occupied Ukraine nuclear plant

Explosives? Mysterious objects noticed in Russia-occupied Ukraine nuclear plant


Satellite pictures present unidentified white shapes on high of Reactor 4 on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, a report claimed. The pictures, taken by satellite tv for pc imagery firm Planet Labs, had been captured on July 5. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that explosives could have been positioned on the plant. The Zaporizhzhia facility has been below Russian management since March 4 2022, quickly after Vladimir Putin ordered troops to invade Ukraine in February final yr.

Russia-Ukraine War: The pictures, taken by satellite tv for pc imagery firm Planet Labs, had been captured on July 5. (Sky News)

In new pictures, 5 white shapes had been seen whereas no white shapes had been seen earlier. This might be as a consequence of a change in mild however is inconclusive, Sky News reported however “it is not possible to confirm what the shapes are from the satellite images alone.”

“No changes can be seen on top of Reactor 3 in any of the satellite images sent to Sky News,” the report added.

IAEA director normal Rafael Mariano Grossi stated, “Our experts must be able to verify the facts on the ground. Their independent and objective reporting would help clarify the current situation at the site, which is crucial at a time like this.”

What Volodymyr Zelensky stated?

Zelensky stated, “Now we have information from our intelligence that the Russian troops have placed objects resembling explosives on the roof of several power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Perhaps to simulate an attack on the plant. Perhaps they have some other scenario.”

He claimed the alleged devices were on top of reactors three and four.

What have experts said?

Darya Dolzikova, from Royal United Services Institute said, “It’s arduous to guage from the imagery what the adjustments on the roofs present, together with whether or not these are in any approach associated to the explosive gadgets that Ukrainian intelligence stated could also be current on reactor roofs on the ZNPP. But the sourcing of unbiased, dependable imagery is essential and might help in verifying claims of what’s taking place on the ZNPP.

“However, the photographs, together with the challenges associated to verifying what they really present, additionally as soon as once more stress the significance of granting the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) all of the entry that it’s asking for on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear energy plant,” the expert explained.

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