Home Crime Feeling of burnout increasing among global workforce: Microsoft

Feeling of burnout increasing among global workforce: Microsoft

Feeling of burnout increasing among global workforce: Microsoft


After-hours chats, or chats between 5 pm and midnight, have also increased.

Perhaps more interestingly, the share of Microsoft Teams users sending those chats after hours has more than doubled.

In other words, there is a whole group of people who never touched a keyboard after 5 pm before the pandemic — now, they do.

In the study, one-third of remote workers said the lack of separation between work and life is negatively impacting their wellbeing.

“Commutes provide blocks of uninterrupted time for mentally transitioning to and from work, an important aspect of wellbeing and productivity,” Shamsi Iqbal, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research said in a statement.

“People will say, ‘I’m happy I don’t have to commute anymore. I’m saving time.’ But without a routine for ramping up for work and then winding down, we’re emotionally exhausted at the end of the day.”

Of those surveyed, 70 percent said meditation could help decrease their work-related stress.

This number increased to 83 percent for those managing childcare or homeschooling.


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