Home Latest Field Data Technology Keeps $8 Million SNAP Store Support Order

Field Data Technology Keeps $8 Million SNAP Store Support Order

Field Data Technology Keeps $8 Million SNAP Store Support Order


Field Data Technology can retain an almost $8 million process order from the US Department of Agriculture to help a service middle for retailers approved to just accept SNAP advantages, the GAO mentioned in a choice launched Wednesday.

Protester and incumbent contractor Strativia LLC argued that USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service carried out a flawed technical functionality analysis as a result of it failed to acknowledge misrepresentations about employees availability in Field Data’s bid.

Strativia mentioned Field Data’s proposed venture supervisor and half of its proposed employees aren’t out there as a result of they signed noncompete agreements with Strativia.

But as a result of the Government Accountability Office doesn’t assessment non-public …

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