Home Latest Flu Vaccination: Side effects that need immediate attention | The Times of India

Flu Vaccination: Side effects that need immediate attention | The Times of India

Flu Vaccination: Side effects that need immediate attention  | The Times of India


As compared to this year, flu cases during the 2020-2021 season was “unusually low”, as per the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Apart from the nationwide lockdowns, quarantine policies and mask mandates, social distancing, immediate COVID testing, maintenance of proper hygiene, all played a crucial role in curbing the rise in the case numbers.

However, the tables have turned and both the SARs-COV-2 virus and the flu have become more rampant than ever. Some have even been experiencing the “worst cold ever.” This according to experts can lead to a possible “twindemic”, a leading concern all across the world. Given that people have become more relaxed and less vigilant, we could be witnessing a dangerous rise in flu cases in the coming days.


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