Home Latest Flyway Conference moves football, high-risk sports to spring; low-risk sports stay in fall

Flyway Conference moves football, high-risk sports to spring; low-risk sports stay in fall

Flyway Conference moves football, high-risk sports to spring; low-risk sports stay in fall


The Flyway Conference has decided to play high-risk sports — football, boys soccer and girls volleyball — in the alternate season next spring after schools met Tuesday evening.

“At this time, the Flyway Conference has decided to postpone the higher risk fall sports seasons (football, volleyball, and boys soccer) until the spring season that was proposed by the WIAA,” the School District of Lomira wrote in a Facebook post Tuesday.  “The lower-risk sport of cross country will continue.

“Middle school sports, again with the exception of cross country, will also be suspended at this time. The possibility of reopening the middle school level of play will be reevaluated by the conference as we continue into a successful opening to our academic year. The district will continue to work as hard as possible to create as many awesome opportunities for our students as possible within the new adjusted schedule.”

Winnebago Lutheran Academy also has decided to play its high-risk sports in the alternate fall season in 2021 rather than the traditional fall schedule.

Contact Jerell Rushin at 920-279-4974 or jrushin@gannett.com. Follow him on Twitter at @jerellrushin_.


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