Among the health and safety protocols: masks are required for all participants and personnel, unless an athlete is medically unable to wear one; students must supply their own water and supplies; when not competing, athletes must maintain 6 feet of social distance; no handshakes, fist bumps, etc.; and coaches/personnel must clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and equipment. If school is closed for in-person education because of an increase in coronavirus cases, school-sponsored sports activities would also be suspended.
“The sole focus is to provide student athletes with the safest competitive environment possible and ensure every effort is taken to safeguard the interscholastic athletic season from a potential shutdown,” the media release said.
On Monday, the Wasaren League said it would be deferring all fall sports until the Fall II season in early spring. The Suburban Council said it planned to go ahead with fall sports, but that not every school would play every sport.
Follow Pete Tobey on Twitter @PTobeyPSVarsity.
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