Home Health Former president Mukherjee develops lung infection, health condition worsens

Former president Mukherjee develops lung infection, health condition worsens

Former president Mukherjee develops lung infection, health condition worsens


NEW DELHI: Health of former president Pranab Mukherjee, in hospital since last week, has deteriorated with lung infection setting in, a medical bulletin issued by the Army Research and Referral Hospital said on Wednesday.

The 84-year old was admitted to the facility on 10 August and operated on for a blood clot in the brain.

“There has been a decline in the medical condition of Hon’ble Pranab Mukherjee as he has developed features of lung infection. He continues to be on ventilatory support and is currently being managed by a team of specialists,” the bulletin said.

Mukherjee had last week also tested positive for covid-19, a condition that he had made public on Twitter.

A veteran politician, Mukherjee served as president between 2012 and 2017. Prior to that, he served in government under three different prime ministers and managed diverse portfolios — finance, external affairs and defence — besides shouldering other responsibilities like heading multiple Group of Ministers arrangements that examined critical issues and prescribed policy options.

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