Home Latest From outdoors to adventure sports, how Hong Kong is “Rethinking Tourism”

From outdoors to adventure sports, how Hong Kong is “Rethinking Tourism”

From outdoors to adventure sports, how Hong Kong is “Rethinking Tourism”


As international travel returns after almost two years of hiatus, tourists are no longer looking for the traditional way of rejuvenation. They want to go on journeys that gives them an experience of a lifetime, one that gets them closer to mother nature. As per multiple reports on evolution of Indian travellers, it is evident that they are keener than ever to travel more sustainably in the future. Travel itineraries are getting longer, going beyond the traditional bucket list.

With the changing consumer attitudes towards travel, destinations are now taking a cue and rethinking their diverse offerings. However, long before this shift, the city of Hong Kong had made huge advances in its efforts to integrate Culture & Tourism Development in the city with the plan to “Shape Tourism by Culture, Showcase Culture by Tourism”, that is deeply entrenched in everything-art, culture, modern traditions, culinary, great outdoors, and wellness!

As the city announces “0+3” arrangements for inbound tourists, including the removal of mandatory hotel quarantine, let’s look at how Hong Kong is Rethinking Tourism:

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