Home Latest Game-changing sugar reduction solution? Better Juice scales up commercialization of enzymatic juice technology

Game-changing sugar reduction solution? Better Juice scales up commercialization of enzymatic juice technology

Game-changing sugar reduction solution? Better Juice scales up commercialization of enzymatic juice technology


“We found a way to convert all types of sugar to other types of molecules that are not digested by our body,” ​Eran Blachinsky, PhD, founder and CEO of Better Juice, told FoodNavigator-USA.

Better Juice entered a partnership with Brazilian juice manufacturer, Citrosuco, last year​ to deploy the sugar-reduction technology in the production of its juice products. The company is now installing its pilot plant in more markets including the US to achieve full commercialization of the technology within the year, said Blachinsky.

“All these companies that we are in collaboration with desperately want it,”​ he said.

Since its founding in 2017, Better Juice​ has scaled-up its system and can process juice at a rate of up to 13.2 gallons per hour, a significant milestone for the company, he said.

“Today there is no solution like this,”​ claimed Blachinsky.

How it works

Better Juice uses natural enzymes from non-GMO microorganisms to convert simple sugars in 100% juice into non-digestible compounds (i.e. dietary fibers) without impacting the smell, vitamin composition, and to a large extent, taste, as the perceived sensory sweetness of the juice is reduced by 15% to 20% as a result of the conversion process, said Blachinsky.

“It maintains all the benefits of juice. And the mouthfeel is the same,”​ he noted.

To do this, the company’s technology modifies one short, simple pass-through step to the juice-making process, he explained.

The process uses a continuous-flow system containing immobilized non-GMO microorganisms (instead of live ones), and as the juice passes through, the enzymes within the ‘dead’ microorganisms bio-convert the juice sugars into dietary fibers and other non-digestible sugars “so there’s no secondary metabolites produced by fermentation,” ​said Blachinsky.


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