Senior actor and BJP MP Hema Malini, along with family performed the rituals of Ganpati Visarjan and bade goodbye to Lord Bappa with utmost spiritual fervour on Tuesday. The ‘Sholay’ actor has bid adieu to their beloved Bappa after, as she says, “ten days of joy, ten days of his lovely benevolent presence, ten days of aarti both morning and evening”.
The 71-year-old actor shared two photographs on Twitter and explained how much the family enjoyed the presence of Lord Ganesh’s in their home. One of the pictures saw the evergreen actor offering prayers, in front of a well-decorated pedestal with Ganesha idol with sweets, flowers, and other offerings.
While the second one, a family picture with husband Dharmendra Deol, and daughter Esha Deol. “Ten days of joy, ten days of his lovely benevolent presence, ten days of aarti both morning and evening, how much we enjoyed Ganesh ji’s stay in our house! Till today it was time for him to leave – sad moment for us but we know he will be back next year! Ganapathy Bappa Morya!,” read her tweet.
Many Bollywood celebrities, during the last two weeks, took it to the social media platforms to share video clips and pictures of them performing the Ganpati Visarjan and explained how special the auspicious occasion meant for them. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, Shraddha Kapoor, Shilpa Shetty, Hrithik Roshan, Vivek Oberoi, and others opted for an eco-friendly immersion at home. (ANI)
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