Home Latest GoLocalProv | Sports | RI High School Football and Volleyball Canceled, Other Sports to Play with Conditions

GoLocalProv | Sports | RI High School Football and Volleyball Canceled, Other Sports to Play with Conditions

GoLocalProv | Sports | RI High School Football and Volleyball Canceled, Other Sports to Play with Conditions


Saturday, September 05, 2020


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No high school football in RI in 2020

Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo announced that high school football and volleyball are canceled for the fall and that other sports can be played but many with significant rule changes.

Raimondo made the announcement on Friday afternoon at her briefing.

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RI directive on fall high school sports

Shortly after Raimondo’s announcement, the Rhode Island Interscholastic League issues the following:

In response to Governor Gina Raimondo’s announcement earlier today, the following sports have been approved by the Governor for team competition this fall with safety modifications: Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Sideline Cheer, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer and Field Hockey. The Rhode Island Interscholastic League will be offering the above sports to its member schools. 

In accordance with the Governor’s guidelines for high school sports, Football, Girls Volleyball and Unified Volleyball have not been approved for team competition this fall. Consequently, the RIIL will be adopting a four-season model and those three sports not approved to start in September will be moved to Season 3, which will be held between the winter analld spring seasons at a start date to be determined. 

The Principals’ Committee on Athletics has voted to move the start date of fall sports from Monday, September 14 to Monday, September 21. In addition, the summer coaches contact period has been extended to Sunday, September 13. (Coaches must still obtain school approval and follow all current guidelines and restrictions.) 

The RIIL and Rhode Island Department of Health will continue to work together to implement safety measures and policies that will help minimize the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The RIIL also will continue to receive guidance both from the National Federation of State High School Association’s Sports Medicine Advisory Committee and the League’s own Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. 

The RIIL emphasizes that its return-to-school-based athletics plan remains fluid and flexible, and health metrics and data will continue to be closely monitored. As we continue to navigate life during this pandemic, we all must stay vigilant in protecting ourselves and others from the risks and spread of the virus. Our focus will now shift to educating our member schools so that they are able to administer these programs in the safest manner possible based on the approved guidelines. It is imperative that administrators, coaches, officials, student-athletes and staff members realize the importance of adhering to the guidelines and safety measures to help preserve their seasons. 

The RIIL and PCOA remain committed to doing everything within our control to provide every student-athlete the opportunity to participate in their chosen sport during the 2020-21 school year. 



Michael P. Lunney

Executive Director  

RI Interscholastic League


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