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It won’t be a normal season, but Gov. Phil Scott gave some encouraging news for high school athletes: All sports are a go for this fall.

“I know how important this is for many young Vermonters and their families, but like so many things during this crisis, fall sports won’t be exactly what we’re accustomed to,” Scott said. “I know many have been wondering if there was going to be a season at all. We want to make it clear: There will be.”

Fall sports include cross-country running, soccer, field hockey, football, cheerleading, volleyball, bass fishing and golf.

Scott said the season “will look much different, especially when it comes to high-contact sports” such as football.

“Our goal is to offer a path forward for each of these sports to give our kids some sense of normalcy in these abnormal times,” Scott said.

Scott said the Vermont Principals’ Association, the state’s governing body of athletics, will release guidance early next week. The document will also cover Vermont’s recreational leagues.

Practices can begin on the first day of school on Sept. 8.

This story will be updated.

More: Why the VPA is delaying the start of high school fall sports

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