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Guard Your Entire Smart Home Network from One Smart Security Device

Guard Your Entire Smart Home Network from One Smart Security Device


Is there anything more frustrating than trying to monitor and manage security for all your smart home network devices by logging into your router?

If you can remember the IP address or local host web page, maybe it’s second nature to you. But for many of us, the home network can often seem like an inelegant way to connect a disparate bunch of devices.

In a perfect world, we’d set up a router once and never have to worry about it. In fact, a lot of people probably make that assumption and never go back to update their routers unless they’re having trouble connecting a new device to the home network. But that’s not a safe assumption.

Remote hackers, even neighbors, can compromise devices

Many homes are filled with connected devices that provide convenience, entertainment, and safety for family members. Despite their benefits, these new smart devices also open up families and their personal information to privacy and security risks.

As WIRED points out,  the router “controls access to your home Wi-Fi network and through that all of your phones, tablets, laptops, and more. If someone else gains access to that network—whether a remote hacker or your next-door neighbor—it can be quick work to compromise those devices.”

You can take advantage of an easier way to monitor and manage the safety and security of all the connected devices on your home network, including PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets, TVs, security cameras, thermostats, and smart speakers, etc. Trend Micro Home Network Security (HNS) solves this problem, providing cross-device network security protection for internet-connected smart home devices.

One app to monitor and control devices

Once you’ve set up the HNS station and installed its smartphone app, you can monitor and control connected devices on the go, such as:

  • Get notified when a new device connects to your network.
  • Disconnect devices to stop internet connection for unknown or unwanted devices.
  • Group devices by family member and set rules such as web content filtering and YouTube limits, or detect use of inappropriate apps.

Scanning for vulnerabilities

Trend Micro HNS scans your home network to determine what devices are connected, checks their security status, and reports back to you on potential risks you may be exposed to and actions required to eliminate vulnerabilities.

 As of July 2020, Trend Micro’s home network solution had blocked more than 322,000,000 events monthly on over 2,000,000 routers and HNS stations around the world. On average, about one-third of HNS customers have threats blocked or vulnerabilities discovered every month.

Sophisticated security

The Trend Micro station provides a sophisticated Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) that covers a broad spectrum of threats and vulnerabilities to your home network. It uses an advanced Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) engine for analyzing and managing network traffic.

HNS’s Automatic Vulnerability Scan probes for factory default and weak password settings on devices. The Web Threat Protection (WTP) feature taps into Trend Micro’s cloud-based Smart Protection Network as soon as it’s installed to protect against existing and evolving web threats.

You can check how many smart devices are connected to your home Wi-Fi for free, without an HNS station, by downloading the Trend Micro Home Network Security app at the Apple App Store or Google Play. Or go here to explore how you can take advantage of an easier way to keep your home network secure.


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