As the novel coronavirus began its rapid spread making a global impact early this year, we collectively found ourselves shifting to a new paradigm of behavior which has changed all our lives. The topic of discussion was this coronavirus: “How does it spread?” “How do we stay safe?” “Are our hospitals prepared?”

A global pandemic, at the time, sounded like some blockbuster movie, but as reality would present itself, it was in fact real life. In the volatile and uncertain environment, we looked to our healthcare workers around the country for guidance — physicians, nurses, researchers, administrators, and so many more integral roles. Communities began to rally around healthcare workers, and a very different contagion began to spread around the country — gratitude and love. Front-line healthcare workers received myriads of thanks and appreciation for being the trusted caregiver at the bedside providing compassionate care to all patients.


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Healthcare workers, in general, are viewed as the most ethical and honest of all professions; nurses rating the highest among Americans for the 18th year in a row according to the Gallup poll. And during this ambiguous and chaotic time, healthcare workers continued to show up and provide care to the best of their abilities, further validating the favorable virtues.

Another element of healthcare that became more evident to the public during this pandemic was the sheer number of people involved in the care of one patient. Healthcare is a very complex system, with many ways to make a positive impact in a patient’s life. While attending a forum last year, a healthcare leader asked an auditorium of diverse healthcare workers: “How many of you have a saved a life?”  While a few hands raised at the question, the leader implored every hand to go in the air. 

For many who answer the call to join healthcare, they do not consider the notion they will save a life one day. Many join healthcare because, on a fundamental level, they are compassionate individuals who enjoy connecting with people and genuinely want to help. There are many ways to fulfill this call to action; safely transporting a patient to a test, carefully filling a prescription in the pharmacy, efficiently delivering supplies to the operating room, or providing a nutritious meal to a patient to support their healing.

Answering the call to join a career in healthcare looks different for everyone. Everyone has a unique story that inspired them: “My sister is a surgeon,” “My neighbor is a pharmacist,” “My uncle is a Medical Assistant.” Some team members may follow a traditional route through a college program. Others may join through an entry level position and grow within the company though various development opportunities. Consistent across the board, regardless of how one finds themselves in healthcare is the fulfillment of the work, the sense of purpose, career stability, and opportunity for growth. 

More: The fatigued fighters battling to save lives

How this global pandemic continues to unfold is unknown. We all are living this together. Taking inventory of what is known; when your work is your calling, your experience in this lifetime can be very fulfilling.

Christina Carranza, MSN, RN-BC, is CNML Manager of Strategic Nursing & Organization Development for the NCH Healthcare System in Naples, Florida on behalf of the FutureMakers Coalition.

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