Home Latest Hacktivism: China site shows Taiwan emblem, ‘Tank Man’

Hacktivism: China site shows Taiwan emblem, ‘Tank Man’

Hacktivism: China site shows Taiwan emblem, ‘Tank Man’


Anonymous, a decentralised worldwide hacktivist organisation, uploaded the second phase of its defacement of a Chinese government tourism marketing website early on Friday (October 1), including Taiwan’s national emblem, “Tank Man,” and Winnie the Pooh.

Reddit user “Allez-opi omi” posted links to 10 pages Anonymous made on a website for the China Cultural Center on Thursday (September 30).

The Anonymous spokesperson uploaded “Round 2” with eight more links to information thrown into the Chinese government site at 12:01 am on Friday.

Activists known as Anonymous have vandalised websites all around the world.

They support political issues such as opposing the global crackdown on file-sharing websites and defending the secret-leaking website WikiLeaks.

The hackers express their displeasure with the Chinese government’s Internet limitations in a note posted on one of the hacked Chinese sites. 

(With inputs from agencies)


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