On a regular day, Amit Garg, a busy New York-based finance executive, opens an app and he quickly reviews the health parameter updates about his 86-year-old father, who is currently in Ludhiana. The updates are made via his father’s caretaker, also booked through the same platform. It gives Garg a sense of relief, that even though he can’t visit his parents as regularly as he would like, he is on top of their healthcare requirements.
Apps like these have been empowering, both for elders and for children who live away from their parents. Elders are better cared for, and maintain their independence, while their kids have the peace of mind knowing that they are remotely able to personally ensure that their parents are being looked after.
While adoption of technology by elders has been slow, with the demographic mix changing, it’s at an inflection point. India’s life expectancy has been progressively increasing; as per the WHO, the average life expectancy at birth for both sexes is 70.8 years. But an often overlooked data point is one’s healthy life expectancy at birth, which is the average number of years that a person can expect to live in full health. For India that number is 60.3 years. Over the next decade, the number of people in India above the age of 60 years is set to increase by over 40 percent, reaching 194 million. This growth needs an infrastructure and rapid technological innovation that can not only support it, but also give it the means to thrive.
For some, incorporating technology equals a sense of detachment, or a feeling of disconnect. But encouraging technological advances does not take away from the meaning of care—in fact, streamlining data and creating comprehensive medical records leaves more time for early intervention, allows the healthcare practitioner to focus on what’s important and encourages a more people-centric approach.
It was only during the pandemic that B L Kapoor realised how alone he was. With kids living in other cities, Kapoor and his wife were suddenly cut off from their social engagements, and even regular activities like a doctor’s checkup and grocery shopping. A local community effort to enable grocery supplies deliveries via WhatsApp brought some relief. The octogenarian couple soon enrolled for telehealth services and even a community consisting of elders online and have continued to subscribe to both even as Covid cases have dipped across the country.
Right now, eldercare as a sector focuses on managing symptoms and ailments that arise from physical and cognitive disabilities—which is of vital importance. But, going forward, that focus should include preventing such ailments, helping the elderly assert their independence, and building a society that encourages and welcomes their participation. Technology can come into play here with the use of wearables that detect falls; devices that track one’s medicine, removing the fear of forgetting them or confusing them; telemedicine that allows one to get instant assistance and also makes healthcare more equitable by giving people from remote areas access to top practitioners; robots that can both help care practitioners and also serve as tools to combat isolation. In Denmark, about 400 senior homes use one such Japanese ‘therapy animal’ called PARO, which can be used for patients with dementia.
Developed countries have also been using technology to create more personalized care plans, reach a broader section of society, combat mental health issues like loneliness, and ensure safety. Take Sweden, for example: welfare technology was seen by the government there as a way to support patients and independence, and meet the ‘demands of future Swedish home-care and healthcare,’ and to that extent, considerable investment in the same has been encouraged. Various start-ups in the country have emerged that rely on artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to monitor emergencies and bring people together through user-friendly devices. These ventures are backed by policies and government support, allowing future growth and expansion, and reiterating the importance of investing in the silver economy.
Singapore is another example of a country where the government is encouraging technological investment when it comes to the elderly, and at the same time making a concerted effort to address the discomfort and distrust that some elderly citizens feel with new technology. Last year, the Singapore government launched a programme called Seniors Go Digital in order to ‘strengthen digital literacy and access’ among seniors. By equipping them with features that allow them to maintain their relationships with friends and family, and also explore other activities and hobbies, their sense of belonging and independence is being honored, as is the fight against social isolation.
By developing products and platforms that can be easily used and that also cater to what this demographic actually desires (health, independence and connection), we are in a position to prevent chronic conditions and bridge a gap that has long since been left unnoticed. Of course, when implementing such technologies, it is important to keep in mind that they are being designed to be used along with human intervention as a supplement, not instead of.
by Atul Gandhi, Founder & CEO- Seva at Home
(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETHealthworld.com does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETHealthworld.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly.)
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