Home Entertainment Hartlepool beer festival organisers plan 36-hour online entertainment extravaganza

Hartlepool beer festival organisers plan 36-hour online entertainment extravaganza

Hartlepool beer festival organisers plan 36-hour online entertainment extravaganza


Members of Hartlepool Round Table at a previous year’s Beer Festival at the Borough Hall.

The annual festival in October typically sees more than 1,000 revellers enjoy a wide selection of beers and ciders while watching top bands on stage at The Borough Hall on the Headland.

Members of the charitable organisation are currently working on plans for an alternative 36-hour extravaganza featuring non-stop live online entertainment and beer packs delivered to people’s doors.

Hartlepool Round Table spokesman Paul Thompson said: “We are not going ahead in the normal format as alcohol related activities are not taking place at The Borogh Hall for the rest of this calendar year.

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“Instead we are looking to do 36 hours of non-stop streamed entertainment of bands, comedians, DJs, and fun games and activities over the weekend the beer festival would normally take place.

“We are still going to put together beer packs which will be delivered to people’s addresses with a wide selection of local beers so people can stll experience that festival type vibe.”

The fun and frolics are due to kick off from 6.30pm on Friday, October 9, with viewers being able to watch online including via Facebook and YouTube.

Details of bands and others taking part are yet to be announced. Paul said there are also plans to stream activities viewers can join in with such as cocktail making demonstrations.

He added: “Over the last 25 years I’ve come to realise the beer festival isn’t just about the beer. It’s about the entertainment and for me is about the fun of bringing people together and the cameraderie.

“A lot of people have said the same thing. But technically, it’s a big thing we are trying to pull together.”

But he said it was an opportunity to give something back to people after the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

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