Home Latest HASD OKs plan for sports spectators

HASD OKs plan for sports spectators

HASD OKs plan for sports spectators


The Hollidaysburg Area School Board approved an athletic health and safety plan in preparation of the passing of a state bill which allows school districts to determine spectator limits for sports and recreational events.

On Wednesday evening, eight board members (Emanuel Nichols was not present for the meeting) approved the plan which has two parts: Part A if House Bill 2787 becomes law, and part B for until it does become law or if it doesn’t at all.

HB 2787 grants school districts the right to determine limits on indoor or outdoor sports gatherings as part of a required athletic health and safety plan. The bill passed in the state Senate on Wednesday.

Hollidaysburg Athletic Director Homer DeLattre spoke to the board about both plans. He said if the bill becomes law, the district will adopt part A, which contains the following items:

A maximum of 1,500 people can attend a sporting event at Tiger Stadium, which translates to 25% capacity.

Attendees should be masked in common areas, however, once seated they can remove their masks.

Players, band members and cheerleaders will receive four vouchers per person to purchase tickets for sporting events. After this, students and parents will receive priority in purchasing tickets. The district will reevaluate whether to allow sales to community members.

Seating in the middle of the stadium will be designated for the 152 students and staff members in the band to allow for better social distancing.

A student section will not be allowed in the stands.

Indoor games will be limited to 300 spectators.

Regular announcements will be made throughout events to remind attendees of best social distancing and masking practices.

Hollidaysburg Superintendent Dr. Robert Gildea said it is highly unlikely the fate of the bill would be resolved by Friday — the first day of PIAA football and soccer.

DeLattre said that due to this, the school will follow part B of the plan, which adheres to the governor’s phased reopening — allowing no more than 250 people at outdoor events and 25 for indoor events.

For Friday’s football game, DeLattre said the high school band and some parents of juniors will be allowed in the stadium from 5 to 5:30 p.m. The band will perform a live-streamed, half-time show during this time. After the show, the band will leave and the football teams will return.

In other business, the board voted to accept an HP donation of 100 Chromebooks and licenses to the district. It also approved COVID-19-related PPE donations from Highmark, New Pig and Leydig True Value in Hollidaysburg.

The board also approved a temporary suspension of indoor facility rentals for non-district groups.

Mirror Staff Writer Dom Cuzzolina is at 946-7428.

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