Home Latest HCL Technologies embarks on a global talent hunt

HCL Technologies embarks on a global talent hunt

HCL Technologies embarks on a global talent hunt


HCL Technologies is all set to chase talent around the globe under `New Vistas,’ its internal engine that fuels an inclusive growth of the company.

The tech firm is currently in the process of evaluating several talent-rich geographies to identify suitable locations to open its development centres.

After its recent foray into Sri Lanka for talent, HCL is close to finalising its entry plans for Vietnam, a country that has been consciously focusing on teaching science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) etc. for more than a decade.

Srimathi Shivashankar, corporate vice-president and programme director for New Vistas at HCL Technologies told The Hindu: “Many geographies are emerging as suitable talent destinations that are comparable to India. We are currently on exploratory research of several talent markets. We go where we can find talent where we can grow talent and from where we can deliver IT services. We have already started working with Vietnam and during the October-December quarter we will announce our plans for this new talent base of ours.’’

Commenting on the Vietnamese talent market, Mr. Shivashankar said, Vietnamese school education was focused on STEM subjects and therefore the country had a good talent pool. Vietnam also has a sizeable presence of high-tech industries. “What India did say 30 years ago was done by a bunch of geographies in the last decade or so, and that gives us multiple talent destination options that are comparable to India,’’ she added.

HCL had recently opened its global delivery centre in Colombo and the company said it would hire 3,000 people there in the next five years.


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