Home Health Health department reports 62 new COVID-19 cases; mayor announces new emergency order

Health department reports 62 new COVID-19 cases; mayor announces new emergency order

Health department reports 62 new COVID-19 cases; mayor announces new emergency order


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MACON COUNTY, Ill. (WCIA) — The Macon County Health Department reported 62 new COVID-19 cases on Monday. Those cases were comprised of cases confirmed over the weekend and on Monday.

“These numbers are going in the wrong direction,” said Decatur Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe. The health department announced Monday there are a total of 379 COVID-19 cases in the county. Of those total cases, 232 have been released from isolation while 119 remain isolated at home. There are currently five residents with the virus that are hospitalized.

This infographic from the Macon County Health Department shows COVID-19 statistics for the county.

During a Monday news conference the mayor said, ” I am imploring our businesses to require masks and I am begging our citizens to wear them.” She then announced the activation of an emergency order that allows businesses to have their liquor licenses revoked for not following the rules. She gave an example of a restaurant or bar being full of people not wearing masks.

The order would be in effect until the next city council meeting, which the mayor stated was in two weeks. Then the council will determine other actions that need to be taken.

Wolfe said she hopes August is a different month and they see some changes. She reiterated the importance of washing your hands, practicing social distancing and wearing a mask.


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