Home Health Health department reports 86 new COVID-19 cases

Health department reports 86 new COVID-19 cases

Health department reports 86 new COVID-19 cases


Posted: Updated:


CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, Ill. (WCIA) — The county had another record-setting day of COVID-19 cases. Many of those are tests from students returning to the University of Illinois.

The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District said there were 86 new cases on Tuesday. That follows up the 68 cases from Monday.

This graphic from the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District shows COVID-19 statistics for the county.

According to U of I testing data, there were 263 positive cases in the five days from Wednesday through Sunday. The rolling positivity rate from those days is 0.7%.

Only two people in the county. are now hospitalized with COVID-19.


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