Home Health Health minister launches dashboard, app to trace surge in dengue

Health minister launches dashboard, app to trace surge in dengue

Health minister launches dashboard, app to trace surge in dengue



Karnataka well being minister Dinesh Gundu Rao on Friday launched a illness surveillance dashboard and a cellular software for efficient monitoring of the vector-borne illness. (HT)

Amid an alarming rise in dengue circumstances in Bengaluru and different components of the state, Karnataka well being minister Dinesh Gundu Rao on Friday launched a illness surveillance dashboard and a cellular software for efficient monitoring of the vector-borne illness.

PRISM-H (Platform For Research, Integrated Surveillance and Management of Health), a illness surveillance dashboard and cellular software, was launched by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka (DHFW-GoK) and the BBMP in partnership with ARTPARK (AI & Robotics Technology Park) at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to develop predictive analytics and help policymakers and public well being officers in making ready for outbreaks and managing illness management actions.

The app which is able to give predictive evaluation of communicable illnesses at the least 4 weeks upfront and also will be used to observe the well being situation of well being staff, unfold of communicable illnesses and observe take a look at stories, the well being division stated in a press launch.

The illness surveillance dashboard will present a map of outbreaks throughout Karnataka at district and sub-district ranges together with case tendencies from throughout years. A four-week predictive threat map of outbreaks can even be made accessible to state and district officers.

In addition to predictions, knowledge from a number of sources is being standardised and streamlined for improved evaluation. In order to seize real-time knowledge from on-ground surveys, DHFW-GoK and BBMP will leverage the cellular app. Both the dashboard and cellular app are centered on dengue to start with, and the purpose is to broaden to further illnesses sooner or later,

The illness surveillance dashboard has been developed for policymakers, public well being decision-makers, district well being officers amongst others for monitoring illnesses at district and state ranges, to tell advisories and allow data-driven policymaking, day-to-day administration, interventions and useful resource planning and so on.

Meanwhile, the cellular software has been developed for Asha staff to streamline survey-related actions, for staff to streamline supply discount actions, for medical officers to confirm and assessment actions, and well being care staff for coaching.

Over the previous two months, town has seen a surge in dengue circumstances. This 12 months, town’s dengue tally touched 4,703 as of September 7, based on the state well being division. In July, there have been 1,649 circumstances, in August, there have been 1,589, and in September, 416 circumstances have been reported in Bengaluru.

The Bengaluru East division reported the very best variety of circumstances, with 1,218, adopted by the south division with 1,003 circumstances. The Mahadevapura zone recorded 875 circumstances, whereas the east zone noticed 635 circumstances.

The well being minister on Thursday, reviewed the scenario in Bengaluru, together with the BBMP. According to Rao, the stagnant rainwater is inflicting a rise in Aedes mosquitoes. “Seven suspected deaths were reported of which three are confirmed and report of four cases is awaited. The cases have spiked, but it is not alarming and we will bring it down through various preventive measures,” Rao added

Acknowledging the scarcity of medical employees throughout the BBMP, the well being minister outlined steps to handle the difficulty. “We are aware of the shortage of ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) staff. We have decided to increase their salaries by 6,000. Previously, they received 12,000, and now they will receive 18,000. There is a shortage of 179 ANM workers,” Rao stated.

Speaking on the event of unveiling the dashboard on Friday, Raghu Dharmaraju, CEO of ARTPARK stated, “Times of crisis like Covid, force us all – government, researchers, industry and startups – to work together to bring technology to solve societal challenges. The challenge is to sustain such collaborations when things seem alright and continue to build capabilities that will help with challenges when they come.”

“ARTPARK’s role is that of an orchestrator of such collaborative innovation. A lot of credit to GoK and BBMP for not resting and thinking futuristically to build these systems to prepare for challenges ahead. In a world where climate change is bringing new kinds of crises to new places every day, we must be prepared,” Dharmaraju added.

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