Home Health Healthcare workers need mental health care too

Healthcare workers need mental health care too

Healthcare workers need mental health care too


The long hours and stressful circumstances of the pandemic seem to have put a strain on healthcare workers. So much so, that a Sanford Psychologist says many are seeking help from mental health professionals.

From doctors to nurses, clinicians and housekeepers, the pandemic is directly affecting everyone in healthcare. Fear of contracting the virus, insomnia and anxiety are only some of the symptoms people working on the frontlines have experienced. The psychologist we spoke to says symptoms will go away along with the crisis, but in the meantime, she encourages anyone to reach out for help.

“You need to focus on what’s in your control. What are some of the things we can do right now?
There’s so much we all are feeling that’s out of our control. We want to know when is this gonna end? We want to know are we gonna be healthy? What’s the economy gonna do?” said Sara Kenney, Psychologist at Sanford.

Kenney suggests looking into your workplace Employee Assistance Program to start.

For more resources for mental health care, click here.


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