Home Health Heart well being: Eating an excessive amount of protein can increase atherosclerosis danger

Heart well being: Eating an excessive amount of protein can increase atherosclerosis danger

Heart well being: Eating an excessive amount of protein can increase atherosclerosis danger


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Experts say protein in meals akin to eggs and meat are mandatory for general well being, however individuals must be cautious to not devour an excessive amount of every day. Helen Sotiriadis/Stocksy
  • Researchers report that taking in an excessive amount of protein every day can produce coronary heart well being points.
  • In explicit, they be aware, consuming greater than 22% of each day energy from protein can improve the danger of atherosclerosis.
  • Experts say some each day protein is important to take care of good general well being, however they advise that a few of that protein ought to come from plant-based meals.

Consuming greater than 22% of each day energy by way of proteins could improve the danger of atherosclerosis and even worsen the situation, in line with a study accomplished on the University of Pittsburgh and revealed in the present day within the journal Nature Metabolism.

To attain their conclusions, the researchers used human trials together with experiments involving mice and cells in Petri dishes. The human research had a complete of 23 individuals.

Researchers used two totally different examine set-ups for the human research. Both concerned asking individuals to have two liquid meals – one with normal protein and one with excessive protein – about one to 2 weeks aside.

The first set-up concerned 14 individuals. The normal meal had 10% of whole vitality as protein, 17% as fat, and 73% as carbohydrates. The excessive protein meal consisted of fifty% of vitality from protein, 17% as fats, and 33% carbohydrates.

The second setup concerned 9 individuals and was designed to imitate a “real-world” situation. In this setup, the usual meal was consultant of an individual’s common protein consumption and had 15% of whole vitality as protein, 35% as fats, and 50% as carbohydrates. The excessive protein meal represented the higher quartile of protein consumption and consisted of twenty-two% of vitality from protein, 30% as fats, and 48% carbohydrates.

The scientists famous that leucine is an amino acid that contributes to the event and worsening of atherosclerosis. They discovered that larger dietary protein consumption, particularly consumption of greater than 25 grams of protein per meal or 22% of each day vitality necessities, led to larger leucine ranges that activated a particular pathway in immune cells that’s related to atherosclerosis.

The second a part of the examine concerned mice.

The researchers first created diets for the mice with graded protein contents that mimicked the typical (15%) and excessive (22%) protein consumption for a typical grownup residing within the United States.

They reported related outcomes to the human research.

They added that the identical pathway was activated in mice receiving greater than 25 grams of protein per meal, or 22% of whole vitality consumption, and that these mice had been additionally extra more likely to promote atherosclerosis and heart problems.

The researchers conclude that prime protein consumption can contribute to atherogenesis.

The authors counsel that individuals strategy high protein diets cautiously and that dietary tips are revised accordingly.

The authors be aware the advice from a number of organizations is that protein consumption be about 11% of each day vitality necessities to take care of nitrogen stability.

“High protein diets are very popular with the public, used for weight loss, bodybuilding, and an overall healthy lifestyle. For many years, reports in the research world using experiments in animal models showed that high protein diets can increase cardiovascular disease (also called atherosclerosis or hardening of the heart arteries), but no one knew why,” stated Dr. Babak Razani, a professor of drugs on the University of Pittsburgh and one of many authors of the examine. “In our previous 2020 paper, we used mouse models to define the mechanism for this by showing that protein ingestion activates macrophages, an immune cell that is a key driver of atherosclerosis, and we identified an important protein in the macrophages called mTOR that mediates this process.”

“Now, in the current study, we pin down the reasons why high protein diets are risky for our heart arteries,” Razani advised Medical News Today. “First, we did several studies in humans to demonstrate that when people eat higher amounts of protein, our macrophages and the mTOR pathway get activated just like we found in animal models. Then, we identified, for the first time ever, the role of leucine – an amino acid highly enriched in animal-based proteins – as the driving force of atherosclerosis risk. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and there are 20 of them that make up any protein we ingest. But it is only leucine that is the bad actor in worsening the heart artery disease. We determined that eating meals containing about 22 percent kilocalories of protein is the threshold at which the protein and its leucine elevate risk.”

Two research, one revealed in 2020 and one in 2023 got here to totally different conclusions.

The first examine, published in 2020, is the earlier examine by Razani and his colleagues that reported that prime protein diets improve danger of heart problems.

The study published in 2023 discovered no statistical distinction in cardiovascular outcomes between normal and excessive protein diets.

Even so, some cardiologists say they’re shifting away from recommending excessive protein diets and suggesting extra plant-based and vegetable-based diets.

“This [new] study is too small to change anything,” stated Dr. Stephen Tang, a cardiac electrophysiologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in California who was not concerned within the analysis.

“I would not do anything different,” Tang advised Medical News Today. “However, it does provide more evidence that high protein is not the way to go. Cardiologists are traditionally focused on cholesterol and high blood pressure – not protein. This study confirms that a plant-based diet is good for heart health.”

So, how a lot protein ought to included in a each day food regimen? How a lot is an excessive amount of?

“While the results of the study are interesting, they don’t exactly reflect real world examples of over-consuming protein,” stated Caroline Thomason, RD, CDCES, a dietitian based mostly in Washington, D.C., who was not concerned within the newest analysis.

“While it’s true that most western societies over-eat protein and under-eat nutrient dense plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, protein as a food group is inherently satiating and quite hard to over-eat, especially in the context of a balanced diet,” Thomason advised Medical News Today.

Another knowledgeable stated there are methods to know how the sort of info can translate into on a regular basis life.

“Whenever you eat excessive amounts of one nutrient, you end up limiting others, which can potentially cause health problems,” stated Anne Danahy, RDN, a registered dietician nutritionist working towards in Arizona who was not concerned within the newest analysis. “There’s good reason for the saying ‘everything in moderation.’ A healthy diet should provide balanced amounts of protein, fat, carbs, vitamins, and minerals.”

“Everyone’s protein needs are slightly different, so it’s best to talk to a dietitian who can assess your needs,” Danahy advised Medical News Today. “However, I find for most healthy adults, a good goal is 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal, spread out evenly throughout the day.”

“Protein intake that exceeds this may not be used for muscle synthesis. It often ends up providing excess calories, and as this study suggests, it may cause more harm than good,” she added.

Danahy recommends consuming extra plant protein (from meals as a substitute of dietary supplements) for anybody trying so as to add additional protein to their food regimen.

“Several studies have associated high animal protein diets with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease,” she stated. “Protein from animal sources may also contain saturated fats or other compounds that can boost inflammation and promote heart disease.”

“On the other hand, protein supplied by plant sources contains antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients that can reduce the risk of heart disease,” Danahy concluded. “Nuts, seeds, legumes, and vegetables all contain protein and other health-promoting compounds.”

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