Home Latest Her son was taken by Hamas. She threw him a live performance within the hopes he might hear it

Her son was taken by Hamas. She threw him a live performance within the hopes he might hear it

Her son was taken by Hamas. She threw him a live performance within the hopes he might hear it


Idit Ohel is the mom of Alon Ohel, who was kidnapped by Hamas militants. “I know that he’s alive because he was taken alive, and I know that he’s alive because I’m a mother,” she says.

Tamir Kalifa for NPR

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Idit Ohel is the mom of Alon Ohel, who was kidnapped by Hamas militants. “I know that he’s alive because he was taken alive, and I know that he’s alive because I’m a mother,” she says.

Tamir Kalifa for NPR

ZIKIM, Israel — Idit Ohel has not heard from her eldest son, Alon Ohel, in additional than three months.

“I know that he’s alive,” she says. “I know that he’s alive because he was taken alive, and I know that he’s alive because I’m a mother.”

22-year-old Alon was one in every of about 240 hostages seized by Hamas on Oct. 7 as a part of its assault on Israel, which killed round 1,200 individuals, in accordance with Israeli officers. He was taken within the early hours from the Nova music pageant. Hamas militants killed hundreds on the pageant.

Idit hasn’t obtained any movies or messages from him for the reason that assault.

The households of the greater than 130 hostages Israel says are nonetheless being held worry time is working out.

“That’s why we’re doing this,” she says, “because music says that we have to stop and we have to do something.”

Israeli band Jane Bordeaux performs at a live performance for Alon Ohel. The live performance featured a few of Alon’s favourite Israeli musicians.

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Israeli band Jane Bordeaux performs at a live performance for Alon Ohel. The live performance featured a few of Alon’s favourite Israeli musicians.

Tamir Kalifa for NPR

With negotiations for the hostages’ launch stalled and a significant Israeli navy marketing campaign underway in Gaza, it may be a wrestle to remain optimistic.

This is why Idit organized a live performance for Alon.

“I have no control over Alon — what they’re doing to him, when he’s going to come back,” she says. “I have control over the things I do. This I made — this I want.”

Last fall, Alon was alleged to be beginning at one in every of Israel’s finest music academies — the Rimon School of Music in Tel Aviv. Idit says he is an amazing piano participant.

Idit (from left), Ronen and Kobi Ohel — mom, brother and father of Alon Ohel — take heed to the live performance.

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Idit (from left), Ronen and Kobi Ohel — mom, brother and father of Alon Ohel — take heed to the live performance.

Tamir Kalifa for NPR

“Music is a big part of his life,” she says. “He moves through music. He actually moves physically through music. You can see when he moves — it’s like he’s listening to music all the time.”

The live performance is being staged in a small neighborhood heart in Zikim, a kibbutz close to the Gaza Strip. Playing are a few of Alon’s favourite Israeli artists, together with Guy Mazig. He’s singing about somebody attempting to assist their baby.

“He’s in big trouble, and you’re in a great hurry and everything that comes along with this, the sadness and range of emotions,” Mazig explains.

Israeli troopers hear because the live performance is broadcast over big audio system within the hopes that Alon Ohel can hear it. In the gap, smoke may be seen rising from Gaza.

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Israeli troopers hear because the live performance is broadcast over big audio system within the hopes that Alon Ohel can hear it. In the gap, smoke may be seen rising from Gaza.

Tamir Kalifa for NPR

Alon’s father is right here, in addition to his brother. Some troopers additionally present up — they heard the music from their base close to the border and came visiting to hear. That’s as a result of the music is not simply enjoying locally heart — exterior, two strings of loudspeakers are suspended from a crane, pointed towards Gaza.

The sound of the music echoes over the hills, and within the distance, smoke rises from Israel’s bombardment of Gaza City. Fighting has been particularly intense in latest days. According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, greater than 26,000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel’s navy marketing campaign started in October.

The live performance wraps up, the truck with the audio system drives away and an Israeli fighter jet rumbles overhead.

As the struggle in Gaza drags on, households of these taken hostage have grown more and more annoyed by what they see as a scarcity of progress in negotiations for the discharge of their family members.

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Tamir Kalifa for NPR

As the struggle in Gaza drags on, households of these taken hostage have grown more and more annoyed by what they see as a scarcity of progress in negotiations for the discharge of their family members.

Tamir Kalifa for NPR

Back inside, Idit Ohel says she believes her son was listening.

“I know he heard me, because I just know,” she says. “Sometimes you don’t have to hear music. It’s not the hearing — it’s the vibe, it’s the energy.”

And then she picks up her smartphone. She needs us to listen to Alon play.

“Oh, you’ve got to see this,” Idit says with delight in her voice. “This is Alon.”

Idit Ohel holds up a video of Alon performing Claude Debussy’s Clair de Lune at a youth competitors.

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Idit Ohel holds up a video of Alon performing Claude Debussy’s Clair de Lune at a youth competitors.

Tamir Kalifa for NPR

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