Home Health HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Declares Public Health Emergency for Hawaii in Response to Wildfires

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Declares Public Health Emergency for Hawaii in Response to Wildfires

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Declares Public Health Emergency for Hawaii in Response to Wildfires


HHS catastrophe response personnel deployed to Hawaii to assist response

Today, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE) for the state of Hawaii to deal with the well being impacts of the wildfires. The declaration follows President Biden’s major disaster declaration and provides the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) well being care suppliers and suppliers larger flexibility in assembly emergency well being wants of Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.

“We will do all we can to assist Hawaii officials with responding to the health impacts of the wildfires,” stated Secretary Becerra. “We are working closely with state and local health authorities, as well as our partners across the federal government, and stand ready to provide additional public health and medical support.”

HHS’ Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) has deployed catastrophe response personnel from the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) to Hawaii to deal with the well being impacts of the wildfires.

HHS’ ASPR deployed an preliminary group of 13 responders to assist emergency response efforts in Hawaii. Responders embody an evaluation group from the NDMS Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT) and different public well being response personnel. The skilled mortuary specialists on the group, together with regional response workers, are offering assist throughout the state. ASPR stands able to deploy further personnel as wanted.

“The deadly wildfires that have impacted Maui this week have brought untold destruction and loss to the island,” stated Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Dawn O’Connell. “ASPR has deployed highly trained response personnel to Hawaii as part of the combined federal and state response to these fires. We are committed to supporting the people of Hawaii during this difficult time.”

DMORT personnel are working with FEMA, ASPR Regional Emergency Coordinators, state well being authorities, and emergency response officers to find out if any further federal public well being and medical assets could also be wanted to help in responding to wildfires.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is sharing post-wildfire and energy outage security info and is standing by to supply further public well being assist if wanted.

HHS’ Disaster Distress Helpline, sponsored by HHS’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at 1-800-985-5990, can present speedy counseling to anybody affected by the wildfires. Counselors are educated to supply assist to individuals who could also be experiencing a spread of signs. Callers can join with counselors in over 100 languages; a videophone choice is out there to assist the deaf or hard-of-hearing.

In declaring the public health emergency and authorizing flexibilities for CMS beneficiaries, Secretary Becerra acted inside his authority underneath the Public Health Service Act and Social Security Act. These actions and flexibilities are retroactive to August 8, 2023.

Additional details about HHS response to the wildfires could be discovered at https://aspr.hhs.gov.

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