Home Latest Hockey World Cup: Belgium Play Out 2-2 Draw Against Germany | Hockey News

Hockey World Cup: Belgium Play Out 2-2 Draw Against Germany | Hockey News

Hockey World Cup: Belgium Play Out 2-2 Draw Against Germany | Hockey News


Hockey World Cup: Belgium Play Out 2-2 Draw Against Germany

Belgium vs Germany match led to an exhilarating 2-2 draw.© Twitter

Defending champions Belgium discovered the equaliser with six minutes left within the match to play out an exhilarating 2-2 draw towards Germany and maintain themselves within the hunt for a direct quarterfinal qualification within the FIH Men’s World Cup in Bhubaneswar on Tuesday. Cedric Charlier gave Belgium the lead within the ninth minute with a area aim however Germany got here again strongly and struck two targets by way of Wellen Niklas (twenty second minute) and Tom Grambusch (52nd, penalty stroke). Victor Wegnez scored a area aim within the 54th minute to avoid wasting Belgium from defeat within the Pool B match.

Belgium and Germany are on 4 factors from two matches and the group topper will probably be determined of their respective final matches on January 20 on the Birsa Munda Stadium in Rourkela.

Belgium tackle Japan whereas Germany face South Korea. Belgium are at present on prime of the pool on the idea of higher aim distinction of plus 5 as towards plus three of Germany.

South Korea got here again from one aim right down to beat Japan 2-1 in an earlier Pool A match.

Lee Jung-jun struck two area targets (eighth and 23th minutes) after Ken Nagayoshi had given South Korea the lead within the first minute by way of a penalty nook.

South Korea are at third spot with three factors. They had misplaced to Belgium 0-5 of their first match. Japan had additionally misplaced their first match towards Germany 0-3.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV employees and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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