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How is AI Changing the Media & Entertainment Sector?

How is AI Changing the Media & Entertainment Sector?


AI Changing the Media & Entertainment Sector
The media and entertainment industry landscape are evolving. Right from the backend creative processes to how the content gets delivered and audiences are engaged, everything has started being driven by Artificial Intelligence.

With the content consumption in media and entertainment sectors constantly evolving, the sector is becoming all the more competitive and complex – while seeking ways to intelligently bring down the operation cost and maximize the outputs. A purpose that the industry players are using Artificial Intelligence technology to fulfill.

In this article, we are going to look into how the technology is being incorporated in the sector to widen the impact of mobile apps in the entertainment Industry.

Without further delay (since we are sure by the time you reach the end of the article, a new M&E agency would have emerged) let’s get on with it.

How is AI Making Media and Entertainment industry Better

The maximum of Artificial Intelligence use cases in the media and entertainment domain can be categorized into four segments:

  • Advertising and Marketing: Artificial intelligence is aimed at assisting with the development of designing the promotion and advertising collaterals and the creation of film trailers.
    Customer experience personalization: Artificial intelligence apps are used by the entertainment providers for offering personalized content on the basis of users’ data that is collected from their website behavior and activities.
  • Search friendliness: In terms of search optimization, AI is used for increasing the efficiency and speed of the search and classification processes.
  • Immersive experiences through AR/VR: An active implementation of artificial intelligence for enhancing the AR and VR takes the customer experience to the next level.

Advertising and Marketing

Artificial Intelligence integration in the entertainment domain helps in multiple marketing elements like advertising, film promotion, and design. The smart algorithms are used to offer the best advertising and marketing solutions through the use of predictive analytics.
The AI-driven marketing plans help with generating campaign strategies, targeting audiences, and creating proper customer solutions.

Personalization of Customer Experience

Today, offering a personalized experience is not something that is an option. It has become a must-have element to guarantee business success. For example, Netflix uses the technology for offering its 100 million+ users recommendations on what they are more likely to view again. They also have been using the disruptive technology to identify the scene the viewers are most likely to love and then use the same in their program visual shots.

Apart from Netflix, IRIS is another platform that matches content to the users’ preference on the basis of their earlier viewing choices.

Search Friendliness

Search functionality in a media and entertainment platform can be extremely complex. AI comes in extremely handy to make the functionality efficient. There are some platforms that have even started making it possible to upload an image or taking in voice search input to make it effortless for the viewers to search their next show on the platform.

Greater Usage of AR/VR

VR has already changed the state of entertainment. The VR powered headsets hold the ability to immerse gamers in a stimulated environment making them feel like they are actually in the game. While VR is already a huge component of the entertainment domain, AI makes it all the more enticing.

AI holds the power to make background characters intelligent, giving them the ability to react like they would in real-life scenarios. The technology combination is set to do wonders for the entertainment sector, especially in the gaming domain.

Other applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Media and Entertainment Domain –

  1. Hyper-Targeted Advertisement: By gathering data from multiple sources in one place the companies are able to offer their customers hyper-targeted, unique offerings. This AI-powered advertisement evokes the concept of addressability.
  2. Optimization of Media Scheduling: AI and data-based solutions take in data from multiple sources for deriving accurate predictions about users’ actions in real-time. It gives businesses information around who is more likely to watch what, on which device, etc. the information, in turn, enables a schedule that has optimized according to the audience.

Here were the different benefits that the integration of AI in the entertainment domain brings with it. Now that we have attended those, we are sure that you must get a peek into how powerful the combination is poised to be when it comes to transforming the age-old sector.


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