Home Latest How many eggs can you eat in a day? | The Times of India

How many eggs can you eat in a day? | The Times of India

How many eggs can you eat in a day?  | The Times of India


Easy to prepare and a rich source of protein, eggs are the favourite of many, especially weight watchers. Rich in selenium, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, zinc, copper and iron, eggs are considered ideal for growing kids, athletes, people recovering from any ailment and everyone in general. Eggs can be called a complete food.

Eggs are healthy and provide one with nutrition, but eggs also have cholesterol. This raises a question about how many eggs are actually safe to consume in a day?

As per experts, one should not consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol in a day and one whole egg has around 373 mg of cholesterol. So, should heart patients completely avoid eating eggs? And what about people who do not have any heart problems? Here are answers to all your egg related questions.


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