The more you dig into Palantir (NYSE:PLTR), the more you will discover. In August, I analyzed Palantir and discussed how it crosses over into the cybersecurity space. Of course, the company is not typically thrown into the cybersecurity stock bucket. After all, Palantir is a big data analytics software company that helps government agencies and companies manage and analyze data. However, with the recent increase in hacks and high-profile security breaches, businesses are now faced with complex challenges that require sophisticated solutions. Palantir offers highly secure data compared to most competitors. It started as a company laser-focused on government-related clients, so its solutions were built with security as the backbone. Commercially focused vendors cannot say the same, and this provides a competitive advantage for Palantir.
Palantir also creates a backbone for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Apollo’s Edge-AI technology includes Meta-Constellation software, which harnesses the power of growing satellite constellations and deploys AI into space, providing insights to decision makers. That’s right, Palantir also crosses over into space exploration, another megatrend that investors are excited about. Meta-Constellation integrates with existing satellites, optimizing hundreds of orbital sensors and AI models. It allows users to ask time-sensitive questions and pushes Palantir’s AI-edge technology to a new frontier. I discuss this in detail in today’s video, and I provide several real-world examples on a must-see video.
The below video continues my series on high-growth AI, where I have done my best to find the highest-growth companies in a variety of sectors with disruptive growth trends. Last time, I covered robotic process automation (RPA) with UiPath (NYSE:PATH). Today, I’ll discuss Palantir’s AI and machine learning capabilities and provide insight into a lesser-known sector of its business.
Please watch for more information, and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and take a look at the entire AI video series.
*Stock prices used in the below video were during the trading day of Sept. 28, 2021. The video was published on Sept. 28, 2021.
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