Home Health How To Eat Burgers And Still Lose Weight? Make Homemade Whole Wheat Burger Buns

How To Eat Burgers And Still Lose Weight? Make Homemade Whole Wheat Burger Buns

How To Eat Burgers And Still Lose Weight? Make Homemade Whole Wheat Burger Buns


Following a weight reduction does not imply it’s important to miss out in your favorite meals. Feel like grabbing a hefty burger? Do so by all means however simply make certain it’s wholesome. With a little bit creativity and the fitting substances, you’ll be able to get pleasure from a healthful and satisfying burger whereas protecting your well being objectives on monitor. One easy method to do that is by making your personal whole-wheat burger buns at residence. Not solely are they recent and hygienic, however in addition they present the proper base to your favorite burger creations.  

Also Read5 Ways You Can Turn Your Burger Into A Healthier Dish

Are Whole Wheat Burger Buns Healthy? 

Whole wheat flour takes centre stage in these buns, offering a more healthy different to sophisticated white flour. Whole wheat flour retains the bran and germ, that are wealthy in fibre, nutritional vitamins, and minerals. This implies that your home made atta burger buns will supply extra dietary worth and hold you feeling fuller for longer Also, the fibre content material aids digestion and helps regulate blood sugar ranges, making it a superb alternative to your weight reduction weight-reduction plan.

Another benefit of choosing home made entire wheat burger buns is you are taking management of your substances and guaranteeing that your buns are recent and free from preservatives.  

What Is A Whole Wheat Bun Made Of?

A typical recipe of atta burger buns makes use of entire wheat flour, yeast, and water as major substances Some individuals additionally add milk so as to add creaminess and a sweetener to make it extra flavourful. You could make it with egg or with out it. This burger bun recipe follows a easy technique to organize the buns however provides honey to make them style higher. 

Also Read: 13 Most Popular Burger Recipes You Must Try


Burger buns could be made at residence.

Now let’s learn to make wholesome home made wheat burger buns.

Homemade Whole Wheat Burger Buns Recipe I How To Make Atta Burger Buns At Home

Start by gathering the primary substances of entire wheat flour, honey, olive oil and energetic dry yeast. In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in heat water and wait until it turns into frothy. This signifies that the yeast is energetic and prepared for use. Then mix the entire wheat flour with a splash of salt. Pour the yeast combination, honey and olive oil in it and blend all the things collectively to kind a dough. Knead the dough till it turns into clean. This course of helps develop the gluten and offers the buns their desired texture. 

Let the dough sit to rise for a few hours. This step permits the yeast to ferment and offers the buns their ethereal construction. Once risen, punch it to launch air bubbles, then divide it to make spherical balls and bake them earlier than coating them with egg wash or olive oil to offer them a shiny end. Your home made atta burger buns are prepared. 

Click here for the step-by-step recipe for homemade whole-wheat burger buns.

You can even sprinkle sesame seeds or different most well-liked toppings for further flavour and texture. Cut them into two elements and stuff them with a wholesome filling of your option to get pleasure from your favorite burger, guilt-free.  

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