Home Health How To Make Panjiri For Postpartum Recovery – Nutritionist Shares Her Go-To Recipe

How To Make Panjiri For Postpartum Recovery – Nutritionist Shares Her Go-To Recipe

How To Make Panjiri For Postpartum Recovery – Nutritionist Shares Her Go-To Recipe


Winter menu in Indian households embrace an entire number of wealthy sweets. Besides gajar ka halwa and gajak, panjiri is present in each kitchen pantry, that too saved in bulk. Since, panjiri is straightforward to make and would not go unhealthy quickly, individuals are inclined to make it in massive portions proper initially of the season, and maintain having fun with it all through the winter. Made with atta, nuts, edible gum and oodles of ghee, panjiri tastes heavenly. But you may discover some individuals making it not only for its nice style however for its excessive dietary worth too. Panjiri advantages us in so many ways in which it’s even thought-about a postpartum restoration snack. That’s why we discover many ladies gorging on it proper after supply. 

Nutritionist Lovneet Batra confirms it in a put up on Instagram. She shared her personal winter-special panjiri recipe and referred to as it her postpartum go-to restoration snack. Before sharing the recipe, she laid out the well being advantages of consuming panjiri after supply.

(Also Read: 5 Panjiri (Pinni) Recipes You Must Try In Winter)


Panjiri affords vitamin and plenty of vitality.

Here’s Some Health Benefits Of Panjiri For Postpartum Diet:

1. Helps with lactation

Panjiri is understood to stimulate breast milk circulate and serving to new moms regain energy put up supply.

2. Restores bone well being

The substances in panjiri assist soothe sore muscle groups and lubricate joints, bettering bone well being.

3. Helps with combating postpartum fatigue and pains.

The addition of nuts and substances like kamarkas assist relieve physique aches and pains. Healthy fatty acids energise the physique with energy and vigour.

(Also Read: Why You Should Have Panjiri In Winter: Pinni Health Benefits)

How To Make Panjiri For Postpartum Recovery I Panjiri Recipe:

Nutritionist Lovneet Batra shared the next recipe for panjiri.

To make the panjiri, roast aata and gond in ghee. Then add makhana, khuskhus, kamarkas and muesli. Let it prepare dinner for a couple of minutes after which add fry fruits and jaggery powder. Let all of it prepare dinner effectively. Panjiri is prepared. 

If you wrestle to make ball-shaped panjiri ladoo, listed here are some tips to make the perfect panjiri (or pinni). 

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About Neha GroverLove for studying roused her writing instincts. Neha is responsible of getting a deep-set fixation with something caffeinated. When she is just not pouring out her nest of ideas onto the display, you possibly can see her studying whereas sipping on espresso.

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