Home Entertainment IBBSS to Zoom in on the entertainment

IBBSS to Zoom in on the entertainment

IBBSS to Zoom in on the entertainment


The International Brass Band Summer School will be adding to the musical entertainment on its forthcoming on-line course with some exciting new features.

It will be party time on the International Brass Band Summer School Summer course this year — despite it having to be held on-line due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The IBBSS has gained a reputation for trying new and inventive approaches to keeping its delegates from around the globe, informed, inspired and entertained during its usual week at the University of Swansea, and that ethos has continued this year.

Virtual recitals

Delegates will be able to enjoy a number of outstanding Geneva ‘Virtual Recitals’ from the team of world class tutors as well as the usual Question & Answer sessions.

In addition though the great atmosphere of getting together for some post-rehearsal fun will be maintained through IBBSS ‘Zoom parties’ on the evenings of Sunday 2nd August and Monday, 3rd August.

These will include in depth conversations with Course Director, Prof Nicholas Childs as well as Black Dyke Band stars Richard Marshall and Brett Baker.

Richard, Brett and fellow Dyke stars Dan Thomas and Zoe Lovatt-Cooper will then give recital performances followed by Q&A sessions which will enable delegates to find out more about the music performed and how the stars keep motivated during the current Covid-19 lockdown.

We’ve been working hard to come up with new ideas and innovative ways to retain the unique atmosphere of inclusion and support that we encourage on the course, and these new plans will add to that I’m sureProf Nicholas Childs

In the bar

Then, to round off the evening there is plenty of informal chat to be enjoyed in the ‘virtual bar’ — where there is sure to be a great atmosphere.

Speaking to 4BR about the new initiatives, Course Director Prof Nicholas Childs said: “In these challenging times we were disappointed that we had to cancel the course in Swansea, but we were determined to ensure that we stayed connected to our wonderfully supportive delegates.

He added: “We’ve been working hard to come up with new ideas and innovative ways to retain the unique atmosphere of inclusion and support that we encourage on the course, and these new plans will add to that I’m sure.

It’s about still having fun (we are particularly looking forward to seeing what the dress code for the bar is like!), being inspired and being part of a great experience — so any ideas to add to that we will look at exploring — it’s given us some exciting challenges.”

Further information

For further information for delegates and to see how you can be part of the course, please contact Course Administrator, Alison Childs at alison4horn@btinternet.com or send via Facebook: @ibbsshq

Facebook: @ibbsshq
Instagram: @ibbsshq


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