Home Latest ICAR conducts coaching on seed manufacturing expertise

ICAR conducts coaching on seed manufacturing expertise

ICAR conducts coaching on seed manufacturing expertise


Participants of the coaching programme on seed manufacturing applied sciences.

DIMAPUR, SEPTEMBER 10 (MExN): The ICAR Research Complex for NEH area, Nagaland centre organized 5 days coaching programme on bettering livelihood safety of farmers via seed manufacturing applied sciences of rice and toria alongwith enter assist system from September 4 to eight on the analysis advanced. 

In the inaugural session, Dr H Kalita, Head of ICAR Research advanced for NEH area, Nagaland centre and the course director, emphasised on the significance of rice and toria high quality seed manufacturing for enhancing productiveness and cropping depth, which can finally enhance the livelihood and financial system of the state.  Dr Girish Patil S, Director, ICAR-NRC on Mithun and the chief visitor of the session, in his tackle, cited the important function of seeds in agricultural manufacturing and the necessity for adopting scientific methods of seed manufacturing.

Bodevi Shüya, DAO, Chumoukedima and visitor of honour, highlighted on the varied actions of the state Agriculture Department and varied schemes for the farmers. He additionally urged the farmers to avail the advantages and implement the actions successfully by coordinating with varied stakeholders. 

Altogether, 30 farmers from Dimapur and Chumoukedima district participated within the coaching programme.

The useful resource individuals from ICAR, KVK Dimapur, NU: SAS coated subjects on varied features encompassing seed manufacturing ideas, agronomic practices, crop safety measures, built-in approaches, seed storage methods and many others. Critical inputs similar to irrigation pipes, electrical water motor pumps, sprayers, pesticides, seeds and many others have been distributed to the farmers together with completion certificates through the valedictory programme. 

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