Home FEATURED NEWS India logs daily record as coronavirus cases exceed 800,000: Live

India logs daily record as coronavirus cases exceed 800,000: Live

India logs daily record as coronavirus cases exceed 800,000: Live


  • The World Health Organization (WHO) reported a record daily increase in global coronavirus cases, with the total rising by 228,102 in 24 hours.

  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans disapprove of US President Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic, according to a new ABC/Ipsos poll. 

  • More than 12.5 million people around the world have been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease, known as COVID-19, and more than 559,000 have died, according to a tally by the Johns Hopkins University. More than 6.8 million patients have recovered.

Here are the latest updates.

Saturday, July 11

07:45 GMT – Russia reports 6,611 new coronavirus infections

Russia reported 6,611 new coronavirus cases, taking its nationwide tally of infections to 720,547.

The country’s coronavirus crisis response centre said 188 people had died from the virus in the past 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 11,205.

07:15 GMT – California to release 8,000 prisoners in hopes of easing Covid crisis

As many as 8,000 California prisoners could be released ahead of schedule in an unprecedented attempt to stop the spread of Covid-19 inside state prisons, with more than half the releases expected by the end of the month.

The announcement Friday by top advisers to Governor Gavin Newsom offered stark evidence of the dire health conditions at several California prisons.

Prisons USA According to state officials, more than 2,300 prisoners have tested positive for the coronavirus [File: Mike Blake/Reuters]

06:45 GMT – Bangladeshi coronavirus sufferers shun hospitals

Thousands of beds for coronavirus patients in Bangladesh are lying empty despite the country struggling with a rising caseload as people are too scared to enter hospitals, officials and sufferers say.

Some patients have bluntly told health workers they would “rather die at home than die in a hospital”, an official for a medical charity told AFP news agency.

Bangladesh has registered about 180,000 COVID-19 infections, and around 3,000 new cases are being added each day, while the death toll stood at 2,275 by Friday.

06:15 GMT – NHL, players approve plan to resume season, extend CBA

Hockey became the latest sport to finalise a return during a global pandemic after NHL owners and players approved an agreement Friday to resume the season – and with it an assurance of labor peace through September 2026.

Games are scheduled to begin August 1 in Toronto and Edmonton, Alberta, with coronavirus cases in the US pushing the league into Canada for the summer and fall until the Stanley Cup is awarded in late September or early October.

nhl game in marchThe league has also agreed four-year extension to the current collective bargaining agreement the NHL Players’ Association [File: David Zalubowski/AP]

05:45 GMT – Panama hospitals on verge of collapse as virus cases surge

Hospitals in Panama are on the brink of collapse as coronavirus cases spike in the Central American country worst hit by the pandemic, where doctors are already exhausted.

With a population of four million, Panama has gone from 200 cases a day to 1,100 over the last few weeks.

“Our daily number of infected patients has been increasing in a sustained way to the point of passing 1,000 cases,” David Villalobos, head of the intensive care unit at the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital in Panama City, told AFP news agency.

Hello, this is Usaid Siddiqui in Doha taking over from my colleague Zaheena Rasheed.

04:57 GMT – India’s case-load surpasses 800,000

India’s coronavirus cases passed 800,000 with the biggest spike of 27,114 cases in the past 24 hours, causing nearly a dozen states to impose a partial lockdown in high-risk areas.

The new confirmed cases took the national total to 820,916. The Ministry of Health also reported another 519 more deaths, taking the total to 22,123. A surge in infections saw the cases jumping from 600,000 to more than 800,000 in nine days.

Eight of India’s 28 states, including the worst-hit Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi, account for nearly 90 percent of all infections.

India coronavirus

Health workers arrive to screen people for COVID-19 symptoms at a slum in Mumbai, India [Rafiq Maqbool/AP]

04:32 GMT – Poll shows broad disapproval of Trump’s coronavirus response 

Nearly two-thirds of Americans disapprove of US President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new ABC/Ipsos poll.

Some 67 percent of those surveyed said they disapproved of Trump’s efforts – the highest level of dissatisfaction with his response since the pandemic began. The drop was driven by plunging support among independents and even waning support among Republicans, ABC News said.

Meltdowns over masks amid coronavirus outbreak go viral (1:27)

03:39 GMT – French bus driver dies after attack over mask-wearing rules

A French bus driver who was badly beaten by passengers for asking them to wear face masks in line with coronavirus rules has died, his family said.

Philippe Monguillot, 59, was left brain dead by the attack in the southwestern town of Bayonne last weekend and died in hospital on Friday after his family decided to switch off his life-support system. 

Two men have been charged with attempted murder over the attack and prosecutor Jerome Bourrier told AFP news agency that he would ask for the charges to be upgraded following Monguillot’s death.

France’s Prime Minister Jean Castex led tributes to Monguillot, calling him “an exemplary citizen”. 

02:51 GMT – Australia’s Victoria records another day of high cases

Australia’s second-most populous state reported one of its highest daily increases in new coronavirus infections as it began its first weekend under a six-week lockdown.

Victoria state recorded 216 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, down from a record 288 cases the previous day. 

“It will get worse before it gets better,” Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews told a televised news conference. “We will see more and more additional cases. This is going to be with us for months and months.”

There were 100 separate outbreaks in Victoria, the state’s chief health officer, Brett Sutton, told the news conference.

01:43 GMT – Unexplained pneumonia in Kazakhstan ‘likely to be COVID-19’

Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO’s emergencies chief, said the agency believes an unexplained pneumonia outbreak in Kazakhstan is likely due to the coronavirus.

“We’re looking at the actual testing and the quality of testing to make sure that there haven’t been false negative tests for some of those other pneumonias that are provisionally tested negative,” Ryan said.

Ryan said the WHO was working with local authorities to review X-rays and look at the pattern of pneumonia cases to see if they were consistent with COVID-19.

“While we believe that many of these cases will be diagnosed as COVID-19, we keep an open mind,” he said.

00:37 GMT – US welcomes WHO inquiry into virus origins in China

Andrew Bromberg, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said Washington welcomes the WHO’s probe into the origins of the novel coronavirus in China.

“We view the scientific investigation as a necessary step to having a complete and transparent understanding of how this virus has spread throughout the world,” he told reporters.

The United States, the WHO’s largest donor, this week notified the agency that it was withdrawing in a year’s time after accusing it of being too close to China and not doing enough to question Beijing’s actions at the start of the crisis.

00:20 GMT – Brazil’s death toll surpasses 70,000

Brazil exceeded 70,000 coronavirus deaths on Friday, the health ministry said, though the number of daily fatalities appears to be stabilizing.

The ministry said there had been 45,000 new infections and 1,200 deaths over the last 24 hours, taking the totals to 1.8 million cases and 70,400 deaths.

Brazil is the second-worst affected country in the world after the United States.

00:02 GMT – California to release 8,000 prisoners to slow pandemic

The US state of California will release up to 8,000 inmates early from state prisons to slow the spread of COVID-19 inside facilities, state authorities said.

Prisoners with a year or less left to serve will be eligible for release. Among prisoners excluded from early release are those convicted of violent felonies and sex crimes, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said.

California Governor Gavin Newsom said on Thursday that nearly 2,400 people in California’s 35 prisons have tested positive for the coronavirus, including 1,314 at San Quentin State Prison north of San Francisco.

Hello and welcome to Al Jazeera’s continuing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. I’m Zaheena Rasheed in Male, Maldives. 

You can find all the key developments from yesterday, July 10, here.


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