Home FEATURED NEWS India raises issues over extortion calls to Indians dwelling in Canada – JURIST

India raises issues over extortion calls to Indians dwelling in Canada – JURIST



India raised issues on Thursday over reports of extortion calls acquired by Indians situated in Canada. The Indian enterprise group had reported receiving extortion calls since early December.

In a weekly media briefing, the Spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs Randhir Jaiswal raised issues over the reviews of extortion calls reportedly being acquired by the Indian enterprise group in Canada. Answering a query on the difficulty of extortion calls, the spokesperson mentioned:

We have a number of points to debate. We have been discussing points concerning safety state of affairs, and so forth. There was a difficulty a couple of temple which was attacked. The Canadian Police then thereafter went to research the temple premises, and the one who had intruded later turned out, and so they (Canadian Police) issued an announcement that the individual was of unsound thoughts. So, there are these points that hold taking place. But in your query, I don’t have actual solutions to all of the issues that you’ve identified, however hopefully, I’ll share extra particulars with you quickly. But it’s a matter of concern. People getting extortion calls, particularly Indian Nationals, is a matter of significant concern.

In the current interval, India-Canada relations have soured attributable to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau accusing India of involvement in a Sikh separatist chief’s assassination on Canadian soil. Tensions escalated with diplomatic expulsions, visa suspensions and mutual allegations. The root concern is Canada’s perceived sheltering of Khalistani extremists, prompting India’s dissatisfaction with Canada’s lack of cooperation. This battle follows earlier strains in 2020 over Trudeau’s stance on Indian farmers’ protests.

Earlier on Monday, the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs declared Canada-based Satwinder Singh, alias Goldy Brar, an “individual terrorist” below the anti-terror regulation Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). The ministry alleged that he’s linked to the Pakistan-based terrorist group Babbar Khalsa International. The notification cited Brar’s involvement in cross-border agency-backed killings, radical ideology expression on social media, threatening pro-nationalist leaders, ransom calls for, arms smuggling and conspiracies to disrupt peace in Punjab. Brar is accused of masterminding the homicide of singer Sidhu Moosewala in Punjab in 2022, and Interpol issued a Red Corner Notice at India’s request. Born in Punjab, Brar moved to Canada in 2017 and is on the Canadian police’s “top 25 wanted list.”

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