Home FEATURED NEWS India’s inflation, progress in danger from Red Sea crisis-driven oil value rise, authorities says

India’s inflation, progress in danger from Red Sea crisis-driven oil value rise, authorities says



India’s nationwide flag flaps subsequent to the ‘National Emblem’ on the newly constructed Indian parliament constructing after the flag hoisting ceremony in New Delhi on Sept.17, 2023.

Sajjad Hussain | Afp | Getty Images

India’s inflation and financial progress are at danger from the rise in oil costs attributable to disruptions within the Red Sea, the federal government mentioned on Friday, highlighting the necessity to diversify commerce routes.

About 80% of India’s merchandise commerce with Europe — together with key merchandise reminiscent of crude oil, auto components, chemical substances, textiles — passes by way of the Red Sea route, the place missile and drone assaults by Yemen’s Houthi militants have compelled many transport companies to re-route vessels away from the Suez Canal to across the southern tip of Africa.

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