Home FEATURED NEWS India’s ‘vegetarian nationalism’ targets meat eaters – DW – 04/06/2023

India’s ‘vegetarian nationalism’ targets meat eaters – DW – 04/06/2023



In India’s northern state of Haryana, regional authorities shut down Mohammad Idris’s butcher store and took away his keys due to the nine-day lengthy Navaratri pageant — one in every of Hinduism’s most sacred festivals.

Idris has been a butcher for over 20 years. In the previous couple of years, he, like different butchers in Haryana, has needed to shut their outlets on Hindu festivals and each Tuesday, an auspicious day for Hindus. Failure to take action might result in a superb and the cancelation of their enterprise license, in addition to threats from Hindu nationalist mobs.  

For Idris, the butcher store is the one technique of survival for his household of 5.

“I have shut my shop because of fear of the mob. They come with sticks and beat butchers as they like. Even if we report to the police, we know there is no one to hear us,” Idris informed DW.

Idris used to earn €120 ($131) month-to-month, however the ban on as of late means dropping virtually half of his month-to-month revenue, in addition to his meat expiring throughout pressured shutdowns.

Last month, Idris’s son-in-law, Yusuf Qureshi, who can also be a butcher, was attacked by a bunch of cow vigilantes (cows are thought-about sacred in Hinduism) whereas he was transporting meat to a canine farm within the Maruthi Kunj space of Haryana. The vigilantes beat him and broke his proper hand.

Being a butcher in India means placing your life on a regular basis in danger, Qureshi mentioned.  

Since Narendra Modi turned prime minister in 2014, measures focusing on meat consumption have elevated in elements of the nation, particularly in northern India. Hindu extremist teams like Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, and Hindu Sena have been on the forefront of “vegetarian nationalism.” 

Cow vigilantes conduct search operations on cattle merchants

Some 100 kilometres (62 miles) away from Idris’s store, Deepak Arya, chief of a self-appointed cow vigilante group, met his group members final Friday to organize for a cattle search operation.

A DW group adopted Arya and his group on their unlawful patrol. The vigilantes chanted “hail mother cow” earlier than beginning their search. They divided themselves into teams and stopped each automobile they suspected of carrying cows.

Arya informed DW it is the Muslim community who promote and eat cows and so their principal goal is to “catch them red handed.”

After an hour of patrolling, Arya obtained a tip from his informer a few automobile transporting cows.

The group look forward to the automobile to go by. The vigilantes then grabbed two males from the cattle truck, pulled them out of the automobile and beat them, hitting one in every of them with a glass bottle. The two males cried that they have been transporting the cows to a dairy farm.

As the beatings turned extra violent, Arya requested the DW group to cease filming. Police officers, who have been positioned solely meters away from the scene, ignore the violence.

“Muslims are the ones who kill and eat our cows and hurt the sentiments of Hindus. To stop cow slaughter, we are ready to give our life and also take the lives of these people. We will not stop in this mission,” Arya mentioned.

‘They must pay a heavy worth’

Ghazala Wahab, an writer who writes on security and Islam, sees cow vigilantism as a part of a wider marketing campaign towards India’s Muslim minority which punishes and marginalizes them economically.

“What has happened in the last few years is that the government found a lucrative way of othering the minority communities, creating some sort of hate campaign against them and encouraging the vigilante groups. All of this has created a sort of pervasive fear in the country,” she informed DW.

But Vishnu Gupta, the nationwide president of the right-wing Hindu Sena, the group behind the marketing campaign to ban meat, sees the sale and consumption of meat throughout Hindu auspicious days as a direct assault on Hindu tradition and values.

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“Muslims have to respect the sentiments of the Hindu majority and stop selling meat during the festivals and holy days. They will have to pay a heavy price, if they do not adhere to this,” warned Gupta.

The unfold of “vegetarian nationalism” has been related to an increase in violence towards the Indian Muslim community. Cases of lynching have been reported in numerous states within the final month over suspicions of cow transportation.

For Idris, being a butcher in modern-day India is a harmful occupation. With no different for survival, he says he fears for his life by the hands of cow vigilante teams who appear to function with impunity in lots of elements of the nation.  

Edited by: Sou-Jie van Brunnersum

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